the REAL quiz is stuck in a blob of randomness

So i made this quiz when i got bored and only 1 person was on AIM and shes talking in a really small font.. And im sickish.. I might not go to school tomorrow.. who knows... Last night i stayed up till midnight watching the science channel.. According to these ppl wer the ape that got lucky..

So.. i have to get off the computer soon.. that sucks.. i wonder whats on TV... Why is the rat called the rat.. I can type with my eyes closed but not very good... i like home made applesauce.. i think thers some left.. bye..

Created by: Ellie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. this quiz got stuck in a blob of randomness..
  2. .. ok so thisll be lotsA RP are you ok with that?
  3. now before we start the quiz let me inform you that your result will be how cool/random you are ok?
  4. RP TIME!! YAY YAY!! I KNOW YOUR ALL HAPPY SO LETS SING! *everyone sings* ok.. So your floating on your lily pad when all of a sudden.. you see the army of notebooks aiming ther arrows at Mr. Fuggypants! What do you do!? *germatic music*
  5. So the rubberduckys defete the Notebooks and Mr.Fuggypants ends up getting a papercut. He is safe in the E.R. though. So you go to Canada to get over the exitement. Then Johny Depp is preforming noseflute at the airport!!! But he turns into a computer and
  6. so.. w/e you picked you end up going on youtube and watching it. So, while your watching it you notice everything turns pink.. Then you notice your neighbors ther drinking your banana smoothie! How do you handle this?
  7. then you remember that your smoothie was chocolate and that was her smoothie. She makes you pay for it.
  8. So then after your awesome day you decide to build a dance club. Then, you see... HARRY POTTER!!
  9. then Harry eats you. Now waht?
  10. i smell banana chocolate smoothie!
  11. back to RP.. so Harry throws up. What do you do now?
  12. please comment.. i beg of you i even comment my own quizzes its fun! oh and im Chocowolf
  13. bye

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