the quiz for smart people

well...when i was told to do this, i really didn't want to, but then i thought about a whole bunch of things to say. many people think they're smart. many people think they know what smart is...but really they don't. this is a quiz that will show you if you know smart people, and if you are smart yourself.

are you smart? do you know other smart people more than you know yourself??? well, this quiz will explore your mind and tell you how to find your inner self!

Created by: lara b.
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what type of socks do smart people wear??
  2. what kind of tv shows do smart people watch???
  3. what kind of colors do smart people like???
  4. what kind of celebs do are smart people into???
  5. are you taking this quiz because u think ur smart??
  6. are you smart???
  7. what is ur maximum grade in school???
  8. are you happy this quiz is almost over?
  9. sorry, its not...2 more questions... are your friends smart people??
  10. ok...last one...

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