Shoutout quiz for the cool peeps

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Over the last few months I’ve been roleplaying,writing,and just generally chilling at GTQ.This is a shoutout quiz to thank all the peeps who I think are amazing.If you’re not on here,then,I either don’t know you or I’m too lazy to write out,like,another 10,000 questions to thank everyone.

I explained everything in the first paragraph,so I’ll just spam in here. ijnffionwfgeoeonroiofniaernDFOSionfoindifnihfujnvoijnfinadsioifnijnfaionjsfisdfinifpnripfnjasirpfjniprfnipnd

Created by: averagestudent
  1. Alright,the first shoutout goes to @LittleNerd!You’re really creative and kind😊
  2. The second shoutout goes to @BiscuitBear.We don’t really talk that much but you seem like a great person and I love your quizzes😁
  3. Let’s have some clapping for @P4NDALOVER,and I will keep calling you Panda til the end of time😈Is it weird I’m giving shoutouts to my adoptive mother?Eh,not really.Anyways,you’re really funny and nice.
  4. Here’s one to @AlexFierro,cuz you’re also really funny and you’re a squirrel,which is one of my favorite animals🥰
  5. And another one for the rat family in general cuz why not.And yes,I know that I already gave shoutouts to all of them separately but I want to give a shoutout to the rat family all together.Here’s ONE bad thing and it’s the only one about you:You like cheese.
  6. For @abnormal legends,you’re really cool and funny😎Tremmy,stay the way you are.You might be able to save humanity when Skibidi Toilet and memes has taken over😥but I hope that isn’t anytime soon.
  7. And for the last one,thank you to the mods!You’re just generally amazing in every way and you keep GTQ from getting overrun with trolls,hateful people,and dirty stuff that isn’t supposed to be shown to minorsA gigantic thank you to you.
  8. Alright,now I gotta improve my quality score a bit so what’s your favorite color?
  9. Pepsi or coke?
  10. MrBeast or Pewdiepie?
  11. This is awkward…I have no ideas…😬😬😬😬Do you have any ideas?
  12. Sooooo…The awkward silence continues.Nah I’ma just ask some really controversial questions and hope cancelling isn’t a part of GoToQuiz.Is the dress blue and black,or is it white and gold?
  13. Is it pronounced jif or gif?
  14. You are cool for making it this far.
  15. Finally enough!K,bye bye bois!

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