The Phantom of the Opera | Comments

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  • @tehcowwie

    1. Yes there are more. Notes/Stranger Then You Dreamt It and Wandering Child.

    2. Yes it does count. A movie consists of everything on the screen with the title of that movie until the title switches. This counts the credits.

    3. Well you know what you little smart alac? Not everyone is perfect SO LEAVE IT AT THAT!

    BTW I GOT A 100% :3

  • I think the quiz is good... and Vicomte would be part of his name... and masqurade isnt sing with the phantom and christine... Phantom only sings in why so silent not atual masqurade and the credits are part of the movie..But yeah the quiz is really good... sort of hard but good 212

  • A few complaints...

    Ques tion 5: Going off of the movie soundtrack titles, The Phantom and Christine sang together are "The Mirror", "The Phantom of the Opera", "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again", "The Point of No Return", "Down Once More/Track Down This Murderer". Unless you count his brief snippet at the very end of Masquerade, then it would be 6. But you said excluding Don Juan, which is assumed to be "The Point of No Return" since it is during Don Juan, then we're back to 5.

    Question 6: Minnie Driver's song wasn't even during the movie. It was during the credits. You really think that counts?

    Question 10: Vicomte de Changy is a title. The actual last name is Changy. He is the Vicomte (Vice Count) de (of the name) Changy.

    Yeeaaa.. .just a few little things that caught my eye.


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