The pee scale quiz

This is a holding pee quiz so if you need to go you can do this to do something. Make sure to bring an extra pair of pants if you need to go guys! This is for your own good

I hope you pee but there are 6 results and this will see how much you need to go. If you do a lot, just try not to pee or you will be very soaked and relaxed from all the release. Good luck to you all!

Created by: Thequizholditperson
  1. Do you need to pee
  2. Push your fist into your bladder how do you feel
  3. Let go of your nether parts
  4. Imagine: you are at a pee holding contest and everyone’s holding. You are one of the most need to pee and you’re already sitting. As a spurt gets released by a girl, your bladder forces one back. Soon, everyone is spurting. Somehow, you hold on. Soon it’s you and the girl. She is crossing her legs and holding her crotch but still leaking. As you see her, your bladder does a humongous spurt and it soaks your pants. You double over and barely stops. Suddenly, the girl pees . You win! You stumble for a bathroom and try to open. Another spurt forced out and you kick the door open. There is a long line of previous competitors holding and moaning. So, you go backstage but lose control. Pee shoots out and you try to stop, but it doesn’t work . Pee is trickling down your leg. How do you feel?
  5. What are you doing?
  6. How’s the bladder?
  7. Did you pee
  8. How bad is the pain
  9. Drink more water
  10. 3 more questions
  11. I more

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