What Nether Mob Are You?

This quiz will determine what nether mob you are. Not every nether mob is included, but you're sure to still have fun! This quiz is based on what you like most so make sure you pick everything suited to you.

There are 5 nether mobs that you could possibly be. Answer the questions to find out what one you are! There are so many possibilities and paths that you could take! Enjoy.

Created by: nixoaa
  1. What is your favourite area?
  2. What is your biggest personality?
  3. What do you do in your free time?
  4. What's your favourite colour?
  5. Choose an element of nature.
  6. What genre do you like most?
  7. What animal do you like most?
  8. What's your favourite author out of the following:
  9. What's your style?
  10. What's your favourite subject?

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Quiz topic: What Nether Mob am I?
