The P-Shirt Quiz

The P-Shirt is a very unusual yet very special shirt inspired by the P-Balloon. It has the same effects, except it doesn't stop unless you take it off. Otherwise, you'll keep blowing up like a balloon whenever you close your mouth.

Now, the main question of this quiz is this: What would you do if that shirt like that actually existed in reality? How would you handle your own inflation if you wanted to inflate?

Created by: HummerSnacks of The BI Page
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  1. You receive your own P-Shirt. What do you do first?
  2. As soon as you put it on, you start to feel full and your body begins bulging. How do you feel?
  3. As you continue to inflate, you start to float off the ground.
  4. Your arms and legs are becoming divots. Do you mind?
  5. Now you're becoming so big, your head is starting to sink in.
  6. Now you've become so big, your body rounds up to a perfect sphere floating in the sky. How do you feel now?
  7. What happens next?
  8. The next few questions will be about your preferences.
  9. What do you like best about becoming a balloon?
  10. Would you want a P-Shirt even if you couldn't take it off?
  11. Would you rather have a short and fast inflation or a long-lasting one?
  12. Would you rather be the world's thinnest person or the world's fattest?

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