The Moonphase quiz

If you like Moonphase, anime, manga, or personality quizzes, the go to this quiz NOW. If not, then just leave. You are a DISGRACE! Your whole family hates you now.

This quiz rules, so take it already!!! NEED I SAY MORE?!!!!!!!!! If you haven't already taken this quiz, and you don't plan on taking it, the go to the nearest silverware shop and shove every single piece of silverware up your a--hole.

Created by: Ethan Nelson

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like blood?
  2. Do you like cats?
  3. Do you like the bad monkey?
  4. Do you believe in spirits, etc.?
  5. Can you see spirits, etc.?
  6. Are both of your parents still together?
  7. Do you hate either one of your parents?
  8. Do you hate both of your parents?
  9. Are you sadistic?
  10. Do you eat cat ear buns?

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