The Military Brat Quiz | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Military Brat Quiz.

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  • Personally detest "military brat" culture. Despite being a military brat, I find the cultural "norms" or representation of it online ironic and unsettling. Supposedly rooted in cultural abnormalcy, the online "military brat" culture still imposes a one-size-fits-all reputation.

    How about the rest of us struggling to find self-identity in our abnormal upbringing?

    Waiting for a time when the lens of military brats truly reflects the diverse life experiences we ALL endure in our own unique ways.

  • Quiz was geared more to AF and Army...asking if you'd lived in Europe. What about Navy families living in the Pacific ie. Japan, Okinawa, Guam, Philippines etc. Would be nice if you'd include the "other" side of the world in your quiz.

  • The questions were okay, but need to accommodate for those of us who aren't kids anymore. Like 'did you or would you marry an active duty military person' , 'how many DOD schools did you attend' , 'do you understand terminology like OPSEC, TDY, restriction, Retreat, etc. , were you born on a Military Installation, etc.


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