The Marvel Quiz part 1

........hummy,hummy hum hum.OH ITS YOU WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE.I dont make quizzes anymore.*checks watch*Oh its Quiz time is that why your here?Ya want some more quizes?

....yes?Okay.You just go l will be with you in a sec okay?*A few momments later*Okaaaay,lm here and lm happy to introduce that every Sunday l will be making quizzes.Anyway here is the Marvel Quiz part 1.See you at the end of the quiz bye.

Created by: JeffMan
  1. What is the name of Tony Starks AI in ‘Iron Man’
  2. What is ‘Hulks’ Real Name?
  3. What is the name of ‘Thors’ Evil Brother
  4. What Iron Man suite did Tony put on in the Biggining of the ‘Iron Man 2’Movie
  5. How many years was Captain America in the ice for?
  6. Where is Black Widow(Natasha Romanoff)from?
  7. What happend to The Stark Mansion in ‘Iron Man 3’
  8. What are the names of the elves from ‘Thor:The Dark World’
  9. Who is the leader of The Guardians of the Galaxy
  10. What is the the name of the secret villan team mentioned in ‘Captain America:The Winter Soldier’

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