The Magic Within part 3

there are people who die and who live but which are you asagd rgfads fgarwfa dsfas dfa sdag we g s g rs gafs g are g af he tg fsd g ser gf d g er g ff h s

there are people who die and who live but which are you asagd rgfads fgarwfa dsfas dfa sdag we g s g rs gafs g are g af he tg fsd g ser gf d g er g ff h s wrgasd

Created by: godofminecraft56
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You couldn’t sleep you were just too scared and annoyed you haven’t seen your girlfriend for ages now “I hope that she is okay that. If beast took her away from me as soon as I learn how to control my magic I will kill that b----” when you fell asleep you had a nightmare.
  2. ***Nightmare*** You saw your girlfriend, running away from the beast “help me Sam” she screamed “Sofia I am coming” you shout back. Then the ground starts to shake and you fall into a hole in the ground then the beast appears to be looking at you with his red eyes “welcome back young Sam” he says “get away from me you are only a nightmare” you scream back “you think I am just a nightmare no no no no I am a reality but you created me with such power that I can take over the world now I may tell you my name, my name is… ***WAKES UP*** you wake up and are scared half to death but you still don’t know the beasts name you go back to sleep and the beast is gone you see only darkness nothing else
  3. “SAM WAKE UP YOU IDIOT” Alex screams into your ear, You jump out of your bed and ask Alex what's happening "what's happening" "hell hounds"Alex say's then he grabs your arm and leads you into a safety room "Sam you stay here while i take care of the hounds" Alex say's "okay" you answer
  4. after a long time Alex comes back with black blood all over him "what the f--- happened to you" you ask "hell hounds blood is black i killed all except from 1... you can have the honor in killing him" Alex say's "but i don't know any magic" you say, then he gives you a giant sword "follow me" he say's "hell no i'm not going" you say, Alex sights "Sam i thought you'd be better than that" Alex say's and takes away the sword "well i am not a killer" you say "then tell me one thing Sam how are you going to kill the beast" Alex asks "with magic of course" you say "Sam every mage,wizard,witch,demon,angel or creature has a limit to there magical ability"
  5. CLIFFHANGER this is the shortest one yet because i don't have much time
  6. skip the next questions
  7. kk
  8. kk
  9. asdf
  10. dfgar

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