The Love Story ( boys only)

There are many girls romantic, love stories.You know that if you could, make my love story come true so you could make everyone elses come true

It is kind of nasty but I got this from my friend.Please don't make mean comments you could say I don't like it but please don't OK😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Created by: Destiny713
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. One day I was walking to the park and you were playing football and bump into me and I fell but you caught me before I fell and then...
  2. You walked me to the park and ....
  3. When we talked we talked about....
  4. When we got to the park .....
  5. It was time for me to go home so.....
  6. When we walked home you talked to me and when we arrived at my door you
  7. At 3:00 the next day you greeted me with a hug and asked me to the school dance tomorrow I said yes you hugged me again we walked and talked then said see you tomorrow you...
  8. Next day at the dance it seemed like we were the only two people on earth and we walked into each other and kissed then you ....
  9. On the wall we kissed and kissed you touched my
  10. We ran into the hall to make out later we stopped to
  11. One week later we went to a movie at the movies
  12. That night you dreamed of....

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