The Intelligence/moron Test | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Intelligence/moron Test.

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  • You said I got C's and D's too and I usually got B's. And I guessed some of these, you wouldn't think christianity would be the most popular religion with all the asian countries

  • I'm with KilljoyRainbow here. I'm a straight-A student. You said I probably get B's and C's, with the occasional A. So I took the quiz again and looked up all the answers to get them all right, to see how accurate the quiz is, and with all correct answers, the quiz said 75% intelligent. You must have a few of these wrong. Not only that, but for "How many centimeters in a mile?" you didn't even have the correct answer available. There are 160,934.4 centimeters in a mile, which wasn't an option. I really hate sounding so rude, but if you're going to make a quiz that judges people on whether or not they're morons, you should at least have accurate answers.

    Okay, rant over.

    Queen Elsa
  • 'Scuse me, Spence, but I'm a straight-A student. No C's or D's, ever, really.


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