the dum-dummy test

there are few smart people , few geniuses , and alot of dumn people , but overall I predict this smart-17 % genius-33 % dumn- 50 % if you score a 62 or above your alright

are you a genius? do you have the knowledge to pass this test? until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in about 5-10 minutes you will find out.

Created by: micah

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. if a red house is made up of red bricks, a blue house is made up of blue bricks what is a green house made up of ?
  2. if you walk in a one story house everything is red what color are the stairs
  3. if 2*2 = 4 then wats 22
  4. a farmer has 33 cows . they all get shot but nine. how many are left
  5. jjkdrke,bvk ?
  6. what is the name of this quiz
  7. if a a house has 10000000 stairs and a man walks on 2 how many stairs are left
  8. if left is right then whats left
  9. theres a bus driver named harry . at the first stop 10 people get on and 3 people get off . whats the busdrivers name and how many people are left
  10. theres a bus driver named harry . at the first stop 10 people get on and 3 people get off . whats the busdrivers name and how many people are left

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