are you a dummy

Are you a dummy?? How much dummy are you. Chances are you are dumber than you think. The best way to tell is this quiz. Are you a Dummy?? Give it a try now.

This quiz will actually tell you how much of you is NOT A DUMMY. Its just a fun bit of trivia that will let you know if you have the skills to not be a human speed bump in life.

Created by: brian
  1. what is 2 cubed
  2. When someone asks you a question and you dont hear them... how do you reply???
  3. The car in the other lane turns on their blinker to get off the freeway, and you are in a position to either let them over or trap them on the freeway missing their exit. You react by...
  4. You have a huge boogie flapping in the breeze; it is just about to fly free and no tissue. What do you do.
  5. You have to call into work; you were out all night partying and you are still too buzzed to go into work and not get fired, hurt, or kill someone. You call in and say...
  6. A panhandler asks you for change. How do you respond..
  7. You buy a meal deal for 5 bucks during lunch, just so happens you have 5 bucks on you. Do you have enough $$, money, cha chingo, brewsters, you get the point.
  8. What is, 41-8 divided by 3, plus 30 equal.
  9. Why do baloons float??
  10. Who is the 1st President of the United States
  11. What kind of dog is Scooby Doo?
  12. Are weathermen idiots??

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Quiz topic: Am I a dummy