The DownFall: Part One

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Hey people! What's up!? Tough crowd. *rolls eyes*So, this is my first part of this story ( besides the prologue) So I hope you enjoy this. I'm trying to decide what to do with my other quiz, though.

'If I didn't know any better... ' is the quiz I'm talking about, by the way. I'm not sure if I want to make it a sad story (I'm enjoying making you all cry. Jk jk) but still, give me some suggestions people!

Created by: ghettobabe4ever
  1. I gave a small gasp as a tall boy walked into the room, sporting a bright smile that seemed to shine brighter than the sun and a pair of exotic blue eyes that studied me carefully. "Oh good! You're awake!Let me just go tell Jax and the others and I'll be back." he insisted, speeding back out into the hall with an excited smile. "Guys! She's awake!" he shouted, a stampede of feet running up a case of stairs.
  2. The door swung open again, Jax, Mystery guy, and four other boys popping their heads inside. "Ash. You're awake! Good. So, how do you feel?" Jax asked, walking the rest of the way into the room with the other guys right behind him. "Well... Other.. Other than the fact I feel sore all over and have a terrible headache, I'm.. I'm fine I guess." I muttered, struggling to choke out the words I wanted to say. "I'm sorry to hear that. I guess I will go ahead and introduce you to my friends. " he shrugged, awkwardly brushing strands of his brown hair away from his face with a smile. I glanced around curiously, trying my best to avoid eye contact by looking up at the corners of the walls. "Okay. So, he's Liam, my younger brother." Jax said, pointing over to mystery guy, who frowned at Jax before giving a small wave. "Nice to meet you, Ash." Liam greeted me. I stared blankly, my eyes wandering over to another guy who was staring at me with a warm smile that lit up his face. "Anyway... That's Jason." Jax said, pointjng over to the staring guy. "That's Cain Rave and Devin. Our other friend, Adam, isn't here right now, but I'm sure you'll meet him soon. " Jax assured me.
  3. "Oh. Uh, nice to meet you all. " I said in a low whisper that earned me a few odd looks, but they seemed to shrug it off. As silly as this might sound, I was just not ready to have friends. It hurt the way they looked at me with nothing but smiles, and all I could manage to do was be an awkward freak. "Ash, we're going to go downstairs for a while. You're free to take a shower. I took the liberty of buying you a few outfits. Once your done, your welcome to come downstairs." Jax smiled, leading the guys out into the hall, but I could tell they really wanted to stay. I gave a small shrug as the door slammed shut, and pulled myself to my feet, the cold floor sending a chill up my spine.
  4. Scurrying over to a small door in the corner of the room, I quickly piled a stack of clothes into my arms and carried them into what appeared to be a master bathroom. My jaw dropped in awe of the restrooms beauty. Never before had I seen such a sight. The walls were a shade of blue, so majestic it was indescribable, and the floors were a pearly white tile that sparkled beautifully as light poured in through an open window. The window was delicately wrapped in a luscious ocean blue curtain splashed with shades of pink and white, that seemed to splash like the ocean as they swayed back and forth. Unable to make a noise, I quickly shut the door behind me and began to tug of my clothing before reaching the glass incased shower.
  5. Once I turned on the shower head, water poured Down my back, reminding me of the water I had heard when Jax rescued me. After I'd gotten completely clean, I grabbed a fleece white towel and wrapped it tightly around my body the best that I could. "Dammit. " I muttered under my breath, realizing I'd forgotten to grab a shirt . Pulling the door open, I swiftly went back towards a closet, digging through a stacking clothes, finally spotting a lacy black halter top that caught my eye. "Nice." I muttered, backing out of the closet. Surprisingly, my body bumped against something hard, sending me practically flinging me face first against a wall. "Oh! dang it, I'm so, so, so sorry!" a voice said. I turned around. Ready to yell at him, but stopped in my tracks as I realized he'd caught me practically naked. "You should be." I huffed, pulling the towel tighter around my body. "Hey, careful there. You'll cut off circulation." he laughed, his glowing green eyes filled with curiosity as he studied my face, his eyes trailing down excitedly. "Whatever. Now if you'll excuse me. " I huffed, deeply furrowing my brows to show I was furious. He gave a hot laugh with a shrug.
  6. "Hey, don't shoot!" he laughed, catching me off guard. My heart began to race as my mind wandered off to Cash. He put his fingertip up to my cheek, wiping a trail of hot tears away with a frown. "Don't cry." he whispered breathly, wrapping his arms around me in a tight embrace. I stood in shock for half-a-second, before wrapping my arms around him. Though it was a bit awkward at first, I really felt the need to hold on , like my life depended on it. "Now. You never mentioned your name. " he whispered into my ear, his warm breath tickling my neck and causing my skin to tingle. "Ashley, but I usually go by Ash." I admitted, remembering exactly why I chose to go by Ash. "Ash? Pretty name for a pretty girl. I'm Adam, Jaxs older cousin." He laughed, gently loosening his grip on me, just in time. As soon as he did, a loud knock started a the door. "I'll go get it. You might want to get dressed." he suggested. My face burned like fire, causing me to blush deeply. I quickly scampered off to the restroom, pulling on:
  7. After tugging on my shoes, I stumbled back into the room, spotting Jax and Adam arguing. They were so deep in the fight, they hadn't realized I'd entered the room, so I decided to keep it that way. I pushed my back flat on the side of a wall, listening into their talking. "You shouldn't have came in here, Adam. " Jam scolded. I heard a low scoff, most likely from Adam I'm guessing. "I didn't know she was even in the shower. I just came in here to grab my comb. " "Adam, I know you didn't just grab your comb. Youre clothing is soaked. " Jax pointed out. *Facepalm* why did I have to hug him? Now he's going to get in trouble! "Jax, I already told you! I came in here to grab my comb, and she stumbled out from the closet, with a towel on. I introduced myself and then we talked a little before she burst into tears. I just gave her a hug, I swear. " Adam huffed. I began to hear a shuffle of feet, and knew I needed to step in before it was too late.
  8. I quickly shuffled my feet around, allowing my heels to clack together to let them know I was there. Jax looked up at me, his eyes fixated on me as he gave a relieved sigh. "Oh, good. You're out. " he said, grinning from ear to ear. "Yeah." I muttered, self-conciously tugging at my skirt as Adam eyed me curiously. "Why must you do that?" Jax asked. "Do what?" I questioned, blinking repeatedly as he gave a shake of his head. "Sorry. That came out wrong. I meant, why do you always have to hide your face and emotions when you talk?" he explained.
  9. " Oh. That. It's just an old habit, sorry. " I apologized, hanging my head in shame, my heart racing faster and faster, harder and harder, longer and longer. "Cash?" he guessed. Cash. The name hit me like a bullet, and all I could manage to do is nod. "He abused you?" Adam asked, pulling out a wooden stool and straddling his legs as he took a seat. "Sort of. In a way, I deserved what I got. " I muttered. " Why? Ash. What did you do to be treated badly?" Jax asked, taking a seat on the bed, the comforter wrinkling as he sat. " In a way... I killed his brother." I whispered, no longer able to hold back the river of tears that wanted out so badly.
  10. Hot streams of tears ran down my cheeks, my breaths Ragged as I tried to keep from letting out a sob. "You.. You killed his brother. " Jax stated in a flat tone, his face revealing how shocked he really was. " I didn't mean to! It wasn't my fault, entirely." I blubbered, unable to take the pain in my heart. "Just kill me already! Put me out of my misery! "I screamed, stomping my foot angrily before falling to my knees in shame. Tears continued to pour from my eyes. I was like a sink with a broken faucet, and I had no control. "Ash. Ash, shut up! I'm tired of hearing you beg for death! You're an amazing person and deserve to live just as much as anyone else in this world." Jax yelled back, his voice crackling in between words. "No. No I don't. If you knew what I did, you'd hate me too. They always do. " I sobbed, two arms draping over my shoulders.
  11. "Ash, don't beat yourself up. I'm sure you didn't do anything on purpose." Adam whispered into my ear, his warm breath giving me the feeling I was no longer alone. " I killed him, though." I whispered.
  12. " What did you do to him?" Jax finally asked, caressing my cheek in his hands. " I loved him. " I whispered through sobs, burying my face deep into my palms, wishing a hole would swallow me up.
  13. ***CLIFFHANGER ***So, this is the end of part One! I hope you enjoyed it, and are as excited for part two as I am. Please let me know any ways to make this better. (techniques and stuff)

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