There are many angry people in the world today and now you can take a test to see if you fit into the catergory of happy or mad!There are many angry people in the world today and now you can take a test to see if you fit into the catergory of happy or mad!

There are many angry people in take a test to see if you fit into the catergory of happy or mad!There are many angry people in the world today and now you can take a test to see if you fit into the catergory of happy or mad!

Created by: Joe
  1. A man approaches you and hands you a brief case filled with milions of dollars. Are you angry?
  2. You are fired by your boss and on your way out of his office he laughs evily and says, "Have a wonderful day!" Are you angry?
  3. The king of Russia emails you saying that he would like to give you the priviledge of being his personal Royal Foot Scrubber. Are you angry?
  4. Someone comes up to you and says that he is Mr. Mcdukemenstein. Are you angry?
  5. You are surrounded by killer inch worms. Are you angry?
  6. Everyone dies and your the last human being. Are you angry?
  7. A nuclear bomb blows your house up along with the whole city and leaves a deep crater. Are you angry?
  8. All the water and oceans dry up for some reason. Are you angry?
  10. How many "blahs" are in the following sentence? Blahdeblahblahblahblah?

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Quiz topic: THE "can I PASS IT TEST?"