The British Problem, 1603-1707

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Every week, the teaching staff on HY22006 set you a little quiz that you can use to test your knowledge and understanding. These are not assessed and are just a bit of fun, but we hope you'll find them useful for consolidating your knowledge and, if you do well, securing bragging rights over your classmates!

Here is your short quiz for testing how much you've learned on HY22006 about 'The British Problem, 1603-1707'! Take your time, and read each questions carefully. Good luck!

Created by: Dr Allan Kennedy
  1. Which Scottish monarch became King of England in 1603, thereby uniting the English and Scottish crowns?
  2. In which Irish province did the Anglo-Scottish plantations predominantly take place, especially in the early 17th century?
  3. What did Charles I introduce to Scotland in 1637, prompting widespread rioting across the country?
  4. What was the name of the treaty agreed in 1643 by which the Scots agreed to enter the English Civil War on the side of Parliament?
  5. With which country did England fight three wars in the 1650s-1670s, seriously damaging Scottish continental trade?
  6. What name did the Scots give to the settlement they attempted to establish in Carolina in the 1680s?
  7. What was the name of the document in which the Scottish Parliament declared James VII to have forfeited the Scottish throne due to his 'tyrannical' rule?
  8. Where did Scotland attempt to settle a colony in 1699-1700, with disastrous consequences?
  9. What is the name usually given the English Act of Parliament of 1705 that threatened to treat Scots in England as foreign aliens?
  10. In which year did the formal union of England and Scotland take place, creating the new kingdom of 'Great Britain'?

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