The best friend quiz

There are many types of best friends, and this test is where you and your friend can figure out what type you are! Are you guys Double BFFs, BFFs, Just friends, or Not so good? This is for girls only!

Are you best friends? No, I mean REALLY REAL best friends. REALLY REAL best friends should take this test. Take this quiz to find out what type of BFFs you guys are!

Created by: mSweEzy
  1. How often do you see each other?
  2. How many things do you guys like?
  3. Do you plan a lot of sleepovers?
  4. Do you know where each other live?
  5. Do you know your frienyd's first name, last name, middle name, and nickname?
  6. Do you guys find the bad qualities or the good qualities in each other?
  7. Do you guys trust each other with your life?
  8. Have you ever been to each others houses?
  9. Have you guys ever attempted to make or buy friendship bracelets for each other?
  10. Last question: How long have you guys been friends
  11. Last question: How long have you guys been friends

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