The Barinta trivia quiz

Hello, welcome to my quiz about Barinta!!! Do it know about her movie? Take this test to find out. There are 4 answer choices. Some are harder than others.

Enough of those personally tests. Let me test me on a movie which is not fully released. Be aware of trick questions. Most people fail those. Now, start the quiz.

Created by: Hbgbgbyg
  1. How old is Barinta?
  2. What is Barinta’s last name
  3. Where does Barinta’s powers come from
  4. What is Barinta’s favorite color?
  5. Who is Barinta’s real dad’s name
  6. What is Dara’s cousin?
  7. Is the movie known to Anyone
  8. How tall to pupuhose?
  9. Cluclu is
  10. Does Barinta have a sled

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