Talexz or Jommy?

Talex; Tim Rozon and Alexz Pairing. Of course its not confirmed if these two are dating, but they've already got their own name mesh. And there are even Talexz fan fictions! They'd make a great couple! Jommy; Jude and Tommy. The fictional characters we love and we love to be together. Jude and Tommy have something that is passionate and real. They belong together

So which are you? Do you like Jommy or Talexz more? And which type of relationship are you/do you prefer? Talexz or Jommy? Take this quiz to find out exactly what you are. Keep in mind Tim and Alexz aren't officially dating and we don't know if they are dating at all. Most of all, we don't know what their relationship is or would be like.. These are all just metaphors

Created by: Ruthless and Reckless Staff

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. First of all, which do you prefer Talexz or Jommy?
  2. Which of the statements do you agree with most?
  3. When you like someone how do you show it?
  4. What kind of guys do you like?
  5. Do people around you know when you like someone? Even without you telling them?
  6. Describe your perfect date:
  7. The perfect kiss is..
  8. Who do you relate to more?
  9. When you're in a relationship is it...
  10. Which song that describes your relationship now or one you wish to have?

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