Who is your fictional boyfriend

There are MANY MANY boys that we would go crazy for, whether its watching them on TV or their personality in books that draws your attention. There is always someone for you.

But who is YOUR fictional boy? How well do you two match to make the perfect couple? That is what this quiz is for. After answering these multiple questions, hopefully you get the perfect match for yourself.

Created by: holly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your idea of a good time would include
  2. You are going through a rough time and have the need to tell someone other than your parents. You want someone that will
  3. You want to feel... when your near them
  4. What kind of activities do you love to do
  5. what are you reminded of when you are with the person you love
  6. You prefer the
  7. What is one flaw that your boy has
  8. Why are you attracted to him (despite obvious reasons)
  9. describe what your perfect man looks like
  10. One last question... How comfortable are you around his family

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Quiz topic: Who is my fictional boyfriend