Supernatural Studies part 6 | Comments

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  • Commenting late-ahh! Sheesh, is there anyway that doctor could be more blunt? I mean, thanks for telling me you don't trust me at all and think I might be a traitor ._. my parents... are not my parents... possibly XP aw, Jimmy was nice, but he's with Eve? That's messed up... especially if she's blackmailling him, what over though, I wonder that's so big? Hm, maybe I'm from the Calamity side and was given away as a baby to save me :P Oh my goodness, that book is like Riddle's Diary! It talks o.o "Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain" ~ Molly Weasley

    That sounds like an awesome way to spend an evening off, haha. Spit, Spoons, Monopoly, and Disney!!! I love 'em all X) and to finish, macaroni and cheese! Gah, I'm hungry now. Pshhh, Xander, don't think you'll get me; I will not join your used girl pile like the rest. I'll just have to prove you wrong, Xander, not all girls are made the same ;P it's sad that GTQ hasn't been showing your quizzes, and I don't see any rhyme or reason for it to do that to you >:/ I hope you can get part 7 out soon and that GTQ will actually show it

  • There's only one story on here where "I" fell for the flirt, and that happened to be the Beautiful series. So yeah, my guy here is Vincent. Or Jimmy, if he's a result. PART 7!

  • My gods! I would NEVER EVER fall for someone like Xander! EVER!


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