Super Natural Love Part 1

Now, I see so many of these on GotoQuiz. So I decided I'd try one. I think they're awesome!(Yes, that's a compliment!) So, its about these four guys who like you... I'll explain!

Meet The Guys: Greg Mark Freddy and Danny. They all have a personality of their own...and a power.(Hence the name "Super Natural Love") So, I'm kind of new to this, so bear with me!

Created by: Rain Maker
  1. Ring! Your loud, buzzing alarm clock wakes you up. You quickly throw on some clothes and gulp down some breakfast. About to miss the bus, you bolt out of the door and race to the bus stop. You get on and sit next to your best friend, Sarah. Shes see you and points to a jet black haired boy with piercing ice blue eyes. This is Danny. Sarah says, "Do you think hes cute?" How do you reply?
  2. (Assuming you answered the last question) Danny turns around and stares at you with his piercing eyes. You cant help but blush. He smiles with gleaming white teeth. You smile back. Strangely, his eyes glow. Literally glow,a bright blue light. He stares for twenty seconds before snapping out of it. He gasps a bit and looks distressed. He sits in his seat, looking freaked out. Sarah turns to you and says, "Talk about strange." You don't reply, but think....
  3. So, you and Sarah spend the rest of the bus ride silent until your bus (finally) pulls into the school.You race off the bus when you bump into a brown haired boy with brown eyes and pale skin. He drops his books and gives you a look like saying "its ok" This is Mark. He quickly and shyly gathers his books and starts to run off when Greg, his older brother, trips him. Mark falls and hits his face hard on cement. What do you do?
  4. Mark gets up and is bleeding on his nose, forehead, and cheek. Not a lot, but some. He gathers his stuff and glumly walks away, looking sad. Greg smirks and leaves. You continue walking to your least favorite subject, reading. You have no choice but to sit next to Sarah. Which you really don't mind. You notice three people besides her. You see Greg, Mark, and Danny all in the classroom. Suddenly, another boy bursts into the room..... The teacher says," Ah, you must be the new child _______" What are you thinking.
  5. The new kid says, "Yeah. I'm Freddy, what about it?" He turns to see you and you can't help it when you smile back. He tilts his head. He looks for a seat, and aggravated, looks at the teacher. The teacher tells him, "Well. I didn't expect you to come on such short notice. Your arrival was scheduled for two weeks after today." Freddy clenches his fist, and suddenly, Sarah becomes sick. Sarah jolts out of the room with a hand over her mouth. The teacher finally says, "Well, since Sarah is sick, sit next to ____________ For today!" Freddy smirks and immediately sits by you. You're uncomfortable with the idea that Freddy had clenched his fist right before Sarah got sick. You're thinking....
  6. Freddy sees how you look and says, "Its freaky, I know. I didn't need anybody to see the first day." You stare for a moment, and he reaches for your hand. You pull it away and he looks bummed. You....
  7. No matter what you chose on the first question, the bell rings, and all of you scatter through the halls. As you walk, somebody grabs your hand. He says, "Come with me." In a soothing voice. And right now you're hoping its who?
  8. Its turns out to be Danny, the boy from the bus. You say, "Um, ok?" He starts walking, still holding your hand. You follow, (Dug) He takes you to the math lab where all the other boys sit. Freddy is smiling amazingly cute, Greg is looking annoyed at Mark, who is huddled in the corner, nervous by the people hes just met. When you enter. Greg turns to you and starts talking, "So, you've met us all somehow, and that means your the chosen one...." You stare for a moment before saying.....
  9. Danny laughs and finishes, "We all have special powers.....and we'll prove it." You nod to say go on. Greg rubs his hands together, "Time for magic." He gives a flick of his wrist, and Mark flies against a wall. He turns red in the face. Marks yells, "I DIDN'T AGREE TO BEING THE TEST DUMMY YOU DUMMY!"His nose forms into a snout and his teeth grow sharp. You look a bit stunned. You say, "You two definetly proved it." You point to Freddy, who's already hissing with his fangs. You jump as if startled and turn to Danny. He sighs and looks at Freddy. Freddy says, "Danny?" Danny reaches out and grabs Freddy's shoulder. You blurt out....
  10. Danny grape Freddy's shoulder until his eyes glow a bright white light. He collapses to the floor, holding his head. Greg wraps you in his arms while Danny lay, staring. Thirty seconds later, Danny popped to his feet. He glanced at Freddy,"You're going to slip in five weeks. On water." Freddy glares. You laugh and Greg lets go of you. You look at everyone one of the boys, thinking different things for each boy. You say...."Why do you need me?" Freddy says....."Well....." CLIFFHANGER...
  11. So, who do you like so far. (SORRY, THIS WAS PART ONE. PART TWO WILL BE FULL OF SUSPENSE!!!)

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