Sparks Fly (pt.2)

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I AM SO FREAKING SORRY!!!! Yeah, sorry for this being late. I disd't realize how much I HAVEN'T been working on it lately, and I just finished it. Like, ten minutes ago.

Ten minutes ago, as in right now being 13 minutes after midnight. Yeah. Y'all should be EXTREMELY grateful that I stayed up this late to get this done and out.

Created by: liz_king97
  1. SORRY!!!! I am SOOO sorry for this being late. I had a lot of homework, and not very much time to write. But, I hope this works out. Finally, in this "chapter", we arrive at Hogwarts! YAY!!! So, I want you to know that Zair, Sage, and a few other characters will occasionally (as in, after every paragraph) pop up and start throwing insults- and even curses- at each other. Just warning you. And, I'm sorry if one of the curses/ hexes hits you. Terribly sorry. I'll have someone perform all the counter curses at the end of each chapter, so it isn't permanent.
  2. I pushed open the doors to Flourish and Blots, panting. Sage pushed me behind a bookshelf as two read-headed boys ran past the shop. "Can I help you girls?" Sage shrieked, and knocked over a stack of books. "Sorry!" She said, breathless. "My friend and I are here to get our books for Hogwarts." I explained. "First years?" He said, more of a statement then a question. Sage nodded, grinning. "Yep." The man nodded, and walked over to a table, and gave us each a copy of our schoolbooks. "That'll be-" The doors burst open at that moment. "Sage!" The two redheads towered over Sage, grinning. "Did you really think you could hide from us that easily?" Sage shook her head. "Not really. I knew you'd find me, sooner or later." I looked back to the bookkeeper. "How much?" I asked. Sage looked at me, horrified. "I can't have you paying for my books!" She cried. "I have my own money!"
  3. Fred and George both shook their heads. "Sorry about" "Sage. She doesn't really know how to accept gifts." "Just like two boys I know," Sage muttered. She waved her hand in the air. "Fine, buy my things if you want, but I'll pay you back later, somehow." I gave the shopkeeper the money, and Sage dragged me to get our robes. "Hogwarts robes," Sage said. "And, please be quick, our mum didn't give us much time." The nice-looking witch smiled. "It won't take long, dears. Just let me finish up with this young man." I peered around her, and pulled Sage over. Sage rolled her eyes at me. "He's just another first year, like us. No need to make a fuss, Victoria." I smiled at the boy, and he smiled back. He flinched, and his hand flew up to his forehead, but he passed it off by brushing his hand through his hair.
  4. Madame Malkins quickly finished with the black-haired boy and pulled Sage and me over to the stools. "Good afternoon, dears. How was your morning?" Sage grinned. "Absolutely smashing. My mum decided to go on a small vacation, and she left me with the Weasleys. They're a really nice bunch. I've been getting along well with them, especially Fred and George." Madame Malkins nodded. "I'm guessing you've got a rebellious streak in you, because those boys are always getting into trouble." Sage shrugged. "They're fun to hang around with. Life is full of adventure with them." I smiled, and calmly waited patiently as the pins and measuring tape adjusted the black cloth to fit my frame. "You're all done, sweetie." She told me. Sage looked up. "Wait for me?" She pleaded. "I don't want to wander Diagon Alley looking for the twins." I grinned. "Of course, Sage. Right outside the doors." I thanked Madame Malkins for my new robes, and began my short wait outside. I smiled shyly at a red-haired boy, who looked around my age. "Hi, I'm Victoria. Most people call me Tori, though." He smiled back. "I'm Ron. Ron Weasley." "So you're Fred and George's younger brother?" Ron's eyes widened considerably. "You know my brothers?" I laughed. "Barely. I just met them about fifteen minutes ago." Sage ran out and linked her arm through mine. "Hi Ron!" She said happily. Ron turned scarlet, and squeaked out a "Hello".
  5. ***Sorry, but this is for the good of getting done***
  6. ****ONE WEEK LATER**** Mum pulled into a parking space, and turned to me. "You have your ticket?" I nodded. "All your books, your trunk, and supplies?" "Yes, Mum," She nodded, and bit her lip. "Well, then, let's go. You can't miss the train, can you?" We walked into King's Cross, and I looked around for Sage, who sent me an owl a couple days ago, telling me to look for her, Fred, and George at King's Cross. After a few minutes, I saw the Weasleys, all walking together. "Fred, George, Ron!" I called. Ron turned around. "Tori!" He exclaimed. I ran up to the Weasley clan, and hugged my newest friend. "Is Sage with you guys?" Ron shook his head. "No, her parents came back for her a couple days ago. She's supposed to meet us at the barrier." A black-haired boy around our age walked up Mrs. Weasley, after a boy named Percy and Fred and George ran through...a brick wall. I assumed he was a wizard also, since he had much of the same things as the rest of us. He turned to the side- to me and Ron- and it hit me. He was the boy in the robes shop, last week in Diagon Alley. Mrs. Weasley put her arm around his shoulders, and smiled kindly. He smiled back, uncertainly, and also ran through the barrier. Ron and I glanced at each other. I gripped my trolley, and ran. I closed my eyes as I neared the barrier between platforms nine and ten, expecting to crash. Instead, I felt a nice breeze, and opened my eyes. I gasped. Ahead of me was the most magnificent train I had ever seen. I waited for Ron, and we pushed out carts to the train, where a few attendants took them to load them on. I saw Fred and George, helping the same boy from earlier get his trunk onto the train. They started staring at him, and the boy glanced at me, mouthing, "˜Help me!' "Oi! Fred, George, your mum wants to talk with you!"
  7. "Hey! Tori, Ron, over here!" Sage opened a door, and waved to Ron and me. "Come on, let's find a compartment, before they're all taken." I grinned, and took Ron and the other boy's hands. "Let's go." I said, pulling them behind me. "I-I'm coming with you?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Would I be bringing you along if you weren't?" He smiled thankfully, and I returned it. "I'm Tori, by the way. Victoria Rain." I said, hopping aboard. "I'm Harry. Harry Potter." Sage raised her eyebrows. I didn't recognize the name. "Well, Harry, you can tell us all about yourself after we find an empty compartment. Tori, help me, please?" I nodded. "Okay." I looked around, and found an empty one. "How about here?" Sage smiled. "Good for me. Are you boys staying, or do Tori and I have to find a compartment for you?" Ron glanced at me. "No, I'm fine here. What about you....Harry?" Harry smiled at the three of us. "I'll stay here, too."
  8. Sage pushed us into the carriage, and closed the doors. "So, Tori, how was your last week of the summer?" I shrugged. "Boring. Loads of packing. What about you? Did your mum come back?" Sage shook her head. "No, not yet. She and Dad still have a week left of their vacation." Ron leans against the window, and glances over at Harry. "So, um, Harry, do really have a sc"- He looks at his shoes, then back up at Harry. "A scar?" Harry pulls back his hair from his forehead, revealing a lightning-shaped scar in the middle of his forehead. "That's some scar," Sage comments. She turns back to Ron. "So, you'll be in Gryffindor, right? Since everyone else in your family is?" Ron slumped dejectedly against the back of the seat. "I don't know," He admitted. "I really do want to be in Gryffindor, but what if I'm not? What I get sorted into Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw, or even"- Ron shuddered –"Slytherin?" Sage glared at Ron. "You will NOT be in Slytherin, Ronald. "I know you too well, and you aren't that type." The doors slid open, and Fred and George poked their heads in. "Sage! We just want you to know" "that we're going to be with Lee Jordan" "And we'll see you at the castle for the sorting!" Sage laughed. "Okay, see you!" Ron looked at me. "What about you?" "M-me?" "Yeah, what House do you think you'll be in?" Sage asked enthusiastically. I swuirmed uncomfortably in my seat. "Well, truth be told, my mum's a Muggle and I have no clue about my dad. He left a long time ago."
  9. We all sat awkwardly, and Ron pulled out his wand and...a rat. "Fred and George gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Wanna see?" Harry and I leaned closer, eager to see our new friend work magic. Sage sat back, smirking. "Sunshi" A young girl, our age, opened the doors. "Have any of you seen a toad? Neville's lost it." A small, chubby boy stood behind the girl, and it looked like he'd been crying. Sage, Ron, Harry, and I glanced at each other. "No, we haven't. Sorry Neville," I told him. The girl saw Ron's wand out, and sat down, excited. "You know magic? I've read the spellbook, and I've mastered quite a few of them." Ron's ears turned pink, and he nodded. "Sunshine daisies, butter mellow; turn this stupid fat rat yellow!" There was a small flash of light, but Ron's rat was a dirty brown as ever. Sage smirked a little more, and laughed a bit. The girl looked unimpressed. "That isn't a real spell, is it? Watch this." She took out her own wand, and pointed it at Harry's glasses. "Occulus reparo," She said, and Harry's glasses were repaired instantly. "Holy cricket!" the girl exclaimed. "You- you're Harry Potter!" Sage rolled her eyes. "Yes, we've already established that." she grumbled. "I'm Hermione Granger. And who might you be?" Sage sat up. "Sage Parson." Ron scratched his nose. "Um, Ron Weasley." I smiled a little. "Victoria Rain." Hermione nodded, and stood up. "Well, I expect we'll be arriving soon, so I think you all should get your robes on." Hermione left the compartment, and Sage ended the silence by throwing one of her books against a wall. Unfortunately, it almost Ron's head. "Bloody hell, Sage!" "Sorry!" She apologized quickly. "I just...I saw a bug."
  10. Minutes passed, and we found out a lot about Harry's life with his mother's family. "It must've been horrible," I shuddered. Living with a pig of a cousin? The only thing that would be worse than that is...watching your twin brother die, and not being able to stop it. "So, what's your life like? With your mother?" I stared at Harry, until I realized he was talking to me. I blushed. "Sorry. Um, it's fine. I have two older siblings, a sister and a brother." The doors opened again, revealing a boy with white-blonde hair and two other boys.
  11. "What do you want?" I demanded, angry. "I don't remember inviting you three in here." The boy in the middle smirked. "And I don't remember saying you could talk, mudblood." Ron jumped at the boy, his face a startling shade of red. "Ron, don't, you'll only get into trouble!" Sage pleaded, turning purple with anger. The blonde-haired kid smirked. "That's right, blood traitor. Listen to your girlfriend." Sage glared at the boy. "I'm not his girlfriend, Malfoy." Malfoy smirked. "Really? I could have sworn you two got together, with how much time you've been spending with the Weasleys." The two boys on either side of Malfoy snickered. I rolled my eyes. "Oh shut up, will you? What has Sage ever done to you?" Ron and Sage stared at me, their mouths wide open. "Tori, stay out of this. It's between me and Malfoy." I stood up, fists clenched. "You must be one of those purebloods my brother and sister talked about. You despise Muggleborns, and hate indifferent purebloods just as much." Malfoy smirked. "And let me guess: you're either an "indifferent pureblood" or a Muggleborn, is that right?" "Right on...cucaracha," I spat.
  12. Sage burst out laughing, and I knew she understood me. Malfoy glared at me, and I saw that it pained him, knowing I just insulted him, but not knowing what I said. He stormed out of our carriage, calling "Crabbe, Goyle! We're leaving." Sage high-fived me, and Ron stared at me in awe. "You just- I can't believe- wait until I tell Fred and George!" He said excitedly. I blushed, and sat back down. "Thanks, I guess. I just couldn't bear to let him insult you. I only had one friend, before I got my letter." Harry smiled. "Well, you've got a lot more than one friend now." I glanced out the windows, and held my breath. "Look," I whispered. We all gathered around the window, gazing in wonder at the magnificent palace ahead. "We should get our robes on now." Sage said. Ron and harry and I nodded, and I realized what she was implying. "And that means you boys have to find an empty compartment." I added gently. "Or you could wait outside in the hallway until we're done." Ron scowled, and slammed the doors open. "We'll wait out here," he grumbled.
  13. Sage and I scrambled to redress into our new Hogwarts robes, and waited impatiently for Harry and Ron to get done. Almost as soon as Sage and I sat back down, the train stopped. Well, at least the wait is over!" She said. "At last," I agreed. Getting off the train was, in itself, a chore. We were pushed around by older students, who, apparently, thought they were better than us. "I can't believe you called Malfoy a COCKROACH!" Sage snorted. "So THAT's what you said?" Ron laughed. "Bloody brilliant!" I blushed. "Thanks," I muttered. Harry patted my back awkwardly. "You're really brave." He said quietly. Over all the loud noises, an even louder voice boomed out, "Firs' years, come with me!" Harry's eyes lit up, and he grinned. "Hagrid!" I caught Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle snickering. I turned my "˜Stop Laughing or Die Now' glare on the threesome. Malfoy's sidekick's shut up instantly, but Draco...I shuddered. I wanted nothing else to do with that boy after our sorting.
  14. Hagrid led us to a large, dark, ominous-looking lake, and had us pile into groups of three into the boats. I got stuck with Draco Malfoy himself, which I was NOT very happy about. The blonde git just smirked and folded his arms. I glared at him again, and turned around, staring at Ron and Harry's backs. The boat ride seemed like forever, but we finally docked at the shore. What looked like a squid's tentacle "waved" at us; several people screamed, not counting me. "Immature gits," I muttered under my breath. "I totally agree," Draco said, stepping beside me. "Go away, Malfoy." I muttered again, running up the steps. I tripped, and caught onto the nearest hold- Ron's cloak. "Hey!" He protested. Harry helped me into a standing position, and I scowled as Malfoy and his followers proceeded up to the castle ahead of us. "Forget about him," Harry whispered. "We're almost there now."
  15. We walked up a long bit of stairs, until we came to a stop in front of two large, grand doors. A woman, older than Mum, appeared at the top of the stairs. "Welcome. I am Minerva McGonagall; you may call me Professor McGonagall. As soon as we are ready, you will pass through these doors, and be sorted into your Houses. There are four of them: Gryffindor," Her chest swelled with pride; I knew which House SHE was in. "Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw," My breath caught. That was Sondra's House! "-and Slytherin. Your House will be like your family. Rule breaking will lose you points, and any good behavior will award you points. Now-" Neville ran up the steps, and shouted "Trevor!" Nearly the whole bunch of new students laughed. I glared defiantly at the all, and helped Neville get his pet toad. "Sorry," He mumbled to the woman. She stared at Neville disapprovingly. "As I was saying, you will pass through these doors momentarily. I will make sure the preparations are in order." She turned, and walked through the doors. Draco straightened. "Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts," he announced, smirking. He stood in front of us. "Never got to properly introduce ourselves, did we? I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. And this is Crabbe and Goyle." Students began to mutter among themselves, and I stepped forward. "Bugger off, Malfoy," I said, a little loudly. "No one cares about you or your silly Slytherin ideas."
  16. Professor McGonagall stared sternly at Draco, then at the rest of us. "You will follow me, students. Please, this way." Sage grinned madly and was bouncing on the balls of her feet, looking like she wanted to sprint through the doors instead of walk patiently. I kept feeling as though this wasn't real, and I would wake up soon. "Victoria," Sage whispered. "Breathe normally." She ordered. The doors opened, and I grasped Sage's arm so tightly she kept muttering "Ow," until I let go. A few feet in front of us, was a hat, sitting on a stool. "When I call your name, you will come up here, and put on the Sorting Hat. It will tell you which House you belong to."
  17. She started alphabetically, and I have to admit that I zoned out after a while. I heard Neville's name, and I was excited to hear he'd gotten into Gryffindor. Hermione came next, and she was sorted into Gryffindor as well. I almost fell asleep, with my head on Sage's shoulder. She shook me off, looking a bit...scared? "It's my turn, Tori." "Good luck," I whispered. "Gryffindor!" The hat shouted. Sage grinned and ran off to join the Weasley twins. Professor McGonagall called out Harry's name and the whole room went quiet. He and the hat seemed to be having a conversation, which confused me. Finally, the sorting hat shouted out, "Gryffindor!" causing the whole House to erupt in cheers. Poor McGonagall had to shout out names over the roar of the Gryffindor's. Someone behind me pushed me forward. "She called your name," the girl whispered. I nodded a thank you, and started walking forward, breathing deeply. I sat on the stool, and awaited the hat's call. "----
  18. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Okay, I know, I'm evil. But it was getting a little too long. I'll try to shorten the paragraphs, so this isn't as long. :D Hope you enjoyed it!

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