So You Think You Know OITNB (seasons 1+2)

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So you finished season two and think you're the OITNB expert? We'll see about that. The questions will start off easy and get harder as the quiz progresses.

The questions will get harder as the quiz progresses. Obviously contains spoilers for seasons 1 and 2, so make sure you've watched them before taking this quiz!

Created by: bqcat
  1. The main character, Piper Chapman, is convicted of a crime she committed 10 years ago. What crime did she commit?
  2. At the end of episode 1, we meet Piper's ex-girlfriend who was also involved in the crime. What is her name?
  3. What inmate was recently released from the SHU for telling a guard to "kiss her ass"?
  4. On that topic, what does "SHU" stand for?
  5. At Litchfield Penitentiary, what do the prisoners call cell block D?
  6. See...told you it would be easy! (so far...) In episode 10, inmate Tricia Miller dies of a drug overdose. Which staff member supplied the drugs to her?
  7. In the final episode of season 1, a fight breaks out between two inmates during the Christmas pageant. Who are the inmates?
  8. Where is the prison that Piper is sent to at the beginning of season 2?
  9. Many would argue that the main antagonist in season 2 is Yvonne Parker. Which inmate did she know outside of prison?
  10. Last question... Which CO gets fired in season 2?

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