So does your crush like you?

Well, here is the question: Does your crush like you? Well do they? This is just a quiz. It isn't that accurate. Well, here is the question: Does your crush like you? Well do they? This is just a quiz. It isn't that accurate.

Well, here is the question: Does your crush like you? Well do they? This is just a quiz. It isn't that accurate. Well, here is the question: Does your crush like you? Well do they? This is just a quiz. It isn't that accurate.

Created by: LoveRocks
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does your crush always talk to in a nice way?
  2. Does your crush ever touch you?
  3. How does your crush talk to his friends when he is around you?
  4. Does he stare at you when you aren't looking?
  5. Does your crush ever come up to you to talk? If so, what does he say?
  6. Does your crush ever do things to get your attention?
  7. Does your crush ever stare at other girls/guys?
  8. Does your crush ever try to hurt you?
  9. Does your crush ever laugh a your lame-o jokes?
  10. Lastly, does your crush ever give your anything on special days?

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Quiz topic: So does my crush like you?