smart bout horses

This quiz is about how crazy you are about horse and if you smart about horses this quiz will take you off of the list of smart horse girls\boys so get ready for a hard quiz.

This quiz will show about colars breed and alot of things about horses alot of hard and easy questions along the way of this quiz show how smart you are about horses.

Created by: alana
  1. How fast can a Thoroughbrd horse go?
  2. What is the most common color for a horse?
  3. Which horse is best used for cattle?
  4. What type of breed is the biggest?
  5. How long is a mare pregnant?
  6. What horse goes to a Spanish riding school?
  7. What is the smallest ponies in the whole wide world?
  8. Who is the fastest racing horse that ever lived?
  9. What is the most common horse in the world?
  10. Are foals legs long or short?
  11. Can horses stand up while asleep?
  12. What color are Friesian horses?
  13. Why are lipizzaners are called white dancing horses?
  14. What is a wild horse group called?
  15. What is a wild horse group called?
  16. What is a boy horse called?
  17. What is a girl horse called?
  18. What is the prettiest type of horse in the world?

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