Shout out quiz!

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This is my first shout out quiz so NO haters here OR ELSE thanks spam time! Msosjsososismkmkkdlsosishdhrnhhuuudjwwwwwcdkeidnjdoejdjdkdkdodkkd---ckkckd


Created by: AmberPlayz818
  1. The first shout out goes to..... SONIC TAILS LF! (KAYLAH) I want to thank her for making all the quizzes she makes she is amazing! She commented on 2 of my quizzes as well! So thank you!
  2. Next I wanna thank derecho! They have also commented on my quiz before! I wanna thank her for making awesome quizzes! So congrats Derecho!!
  3. Next, I wanna thank Willowtailkit for commenting of 2 of my quizzes and making quizzes Willowtailkit, thank you!
  4. Next I wanna thank everyone on and you! Because everyone whom makes and takes quizzes are all special and important to me! So thank you for even being here!
  5. Ima spam siosixjsisnxjszyxakzhhzahhshsjaja. And s a a. A a w e we wnwnnwxusdhshskososjxjsl. Soaks. A a. A a a a a. Skalskxkksosjsjsj
  6. Now, I wanna thank everyone here, everyone on, and the creators of GTQ because without all of you I wouldn’t find this to be fun and I wouldn’t be myself if you weren’t here!
  7. I’ma spam the whole quiz ksksksmzmksksazzzzzkksksmxkskwjiesjnxksishsnsnxk
  8. Xksojxxoosisjxjxisishxnkxkx
  9. Skzkzjjxzjzjjsjzks
  10. EjejksisjdjxjsksjxjxjJAKATHANKS FOR BEING HERE BYEskzkkzskkzkzkzlzlzkzmzlzkzjjzkzkzkzjzjzozjzjzkkzkzjzjznjz

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