should you stay with the person you're wih?

there is nothing compared to realizing that the person you are with is the person you should stay with forever or maybe not so try your best to find out and see what will happen

sometime people need to understand that its time to let go or its that time to hold on tight with their firmest grip... find out now if you should be saying goodbye or let make this last forever to the person you're with

Created by: britteny Cooper
  1. how often do they tell you they love you
  2. do you suspect that they are cheating?
  3. when you suspect something isn't right, what do they do?
  4. how often do you guys argue?
  5. how often do you guys go out?
  6. are they affectionate in public?
  7. how often does this person call you?
  8. how does this person compare their love for you?
  9. does this person remember special occasions?
  10. what do they usually do to celebrate special occasions?

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Quiz topic: Should I stay with the person you're wih?