Should she be your Valentine?

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Valentine's Day is coming up fast! Have you asked her to be your Valentine yet? If not, this is the quiz for you! Find out if you should ask her to be yours, or if it would be a fiasco.

You can do all of this in just a few minutes thanks to this quiz. You don't want to be embarrassed if she says know, and you want to have her if she says yes!

Created by: Beatle Obsessed
  1. You've known her for-
  2. Have you ever asked her out?
  3. If so, did she say yes?
  4. Do you know her well?
  5. Does she know you well?
  6. Do you think she likes you, even as a friend?
  7. Do you talk alot?
  8. Do you have any classes together at school?
  9. Do you think she might say yes?
  10. Does she talk to you, laugh at your jokes or hang out with you?

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Quiz topic: Should she be my Valentine?