Self Confidence Level

There are many gorgeous and mouthwatering people on earth. DO you think they know it? SOme people you can just tell they know they are and its kind of annoying. Others its admirable.

Lets see how confident you are in yourself. Its good to be confident in your abilities and appearance, but not too confident. Lets check how your doing! Take this quiz to find out! Answer as honestly as possible!

Created by: Mary Macadamian
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you saw an obese girl with glasses and acne, but with super hip and modern clothing, what would you think?
  2. How long do you spend in front of the mirror?
  3. Do you care about buying your own clothes?
  4. How many selfies do you take and show people?
  5. Are you constantly looking through mirrors?
  6. Do you care if you are wearing the latest styles?
  7. On a scale of ugly to gorgeous... How would you rate yourself?
  8. Are you always questioning if boys are looking at you?
  9. When you go out of the house do you quickly put makeup on?
  10. Do you constantly measure your belly?

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