Rider's Love Story Announcement | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Rider's Love Story Announcement.

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  • The main character could go on a trail ride in the woods with one of the guys

  • Hmmmm, well with one of them we could go to the fair, and ride a faris wheel

  • you should make the main character have dinner with one of the guys at her place and then suddenly comes the other guy to hang out and a leo comes with guys enfronting each other for her or whatever you like.Still i think ur quizes are the the best :)

  • you should make the main character have dinner with one of the guys at her place and then suddenly comes the other guy to hang out and a leo comes with guys enfronting each other for her or whatever you like.Still i think ur quizes are the the best :)

  • But thats just from your title. You could have a story about a deep romantic couple who go through conflicts of the world. But if you want fantasy think of mythologiacal creatures or magical ones. You can make a story out of a lot of things. You just have to think of the conflict that goes into the story!

  • Your looking for a story to write? I have a bunch! I can see from your title that your story could be about horse races or dragons. It could be about someone who is a normal town folk and finds a egg. It hatches into a dragon. The person raises it and finds out that theres a lot of monsters and bad things happening in your town. So the person becomes like the sworn protector of the land with his/her dragon!


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