Remember the future part 7 The Dark Light Rises | Comments

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  • Wow when I was at the part where seth and I were gonna kiss, I was listening to 22 by taylor swift. Pandora really knows what songs suite this quiz :P

  • Sorry I haven't posted part 8 yet. I've had some serious writers block but I finally got over it and I'm currently making part 8 into quiz form. By the way, thanks for the comment, that really made my day :)

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • hey missy prissy do you think it will be posted soon 'cus you've made me a complete addict lol but I supose theres lot's worse things I could be addictad to huh?

  • @Missy Prissy Cat- Okay (: YAY! ^_^

  • @ Aria

    I'm posting it later, I just have to fix it a bit.

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • Hey, how far are you with your entry?

  • @ xxblutixx

    Oh my GOD I love the Uglies series. It's my favourite trilogy (I don't count Extras that's just a bonus book) I had a feeling you liked Warren. Just a suspicion anyways, not really a definite guess.

    Awh stop it you're making me blush, you guys are the best, really I mean it I couldn't ask for a better audience. Oh I agree with the comments page thing, I can't wait to hear your responses and guesses about the story. I must confess though, you guys are REALLY good at guessing things, luckily I'm good at keeping secrets but WOW I mean you guys are pretty good at guessing.

    @ The Popolisk

    If I had a nickel for everytime I unintentionally doomed a friend to a month's worth of teasing, I'd have two nickels... which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice right?

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • Just some random thoughts I jotted down while reading:

    Hehe, showed those girls ;P Off mi Devin! Carol is just... awesome XD ... :O this dream is different. I knew everyone would die! DX *shudders* no like... Oh my goodness, you crazy science-obsessed person, get your hands off my brain >:/ I mean, I love science and all, but, sheesh... you don't have to be like the crazy organization in Maximum Ride (no, I haven't even near finished that series yet) or the power-obsessed Specials from the Uglies series, so off! Off my brain! *sniffles* *clutches onto Warren* he's always been the pillar of reassurance... favorites: Warren, Devin

    Sorry for the rather disjointed comment, I'm in a rush! I've got 4 more pages of new quizzes to sift through and read, Aria's event to enter, and my newest quiz part to write! Anyway, the story was AMAZING just like always :) And I finally figured that extra element it has from the first part that really adds to its allure. It reminds me of the older, established series I used to read when I was a newbie. That feeling I got of excitement and anticipation for a great story yet to come, it hasn't hit me so hard in a year as it did when I read your story. I enjoy every word!

    P.S. You have one of the best comments pages; I just love reading it :)

  • @ Missy Prissy Cat

    Oh, wow, really? You have just doomed my freind to a month of teasing. XD

    Actually, that's just a really basic, short version of what I think the dream meant- usually, when I attempt to figure something out, I get TONS of ideas on whatever-it-is, like, enough to totally take over your comments page. Then I sorta just narrow them down until I get to what seems like the most likely answer. So it's kinda surprising that I got close; I was pretty much joking. :)

    That is exactly what went through my head when I read that part, lol. Only, for some reason, a unicorn was singing it while riding a fox. And the fox was purple.

    YAY! EXPLOSIONS! Always fun to imagine things blowing up.

    The Popolisk
  • @ Twisted_Roots

    Just out of curiousity, what exactly do you have to do to "ALSKDJFHOSI" someone?

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • @ The Popolisk

    Aw you figured out the whole dream in one sentence! Naw just kidding there's a bit more to it than that. Although if I did have to sum up the dream in one sentence I'd probably say that so good job on that one. Oh my god you have a friend like Devin! ARGH I'm jealous. That's cool though because when I was first starting out with the story Devin was a stereotype, and now he's the fictional reincarnation of another living person. Anyways, nothing did explode. I believe explosions should be treated with the upmost care of moving the story along, so if you sense explosions at any point in the story, they're probably coming. A stalking we will go, a stalking we will go, hi ho the merry oh and stalking we will go!

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • Energy and pressure combined makes the performer (let's call him steve) makes Steve feel on the edge and because of that, they try harder. That's why I think an audience just enhances a performance, they make Steve... er I mean the performer try HARDER and usually the performer does better than if they're alone because they have no pressure what so ever. Maybe that's why I prefer stage shows to movies but that's not important. My point is, an audience can't make a performer bad unless they crack under pressure. Pressure is one of those good or bad things. If you can find comfort in pressure, you become stronger and therefore your performance is stronger. However if you crack and freeze, your performace will crack and freeze. I just think once people start realizing the audience is your friend and not your enemy they'd be less stage fright. I think that's the worst kind of fear, because it's hard to avoid. Then again I'm scared of bees and horror movies so I probably shouldn't have any grounds to say it's the worst fear because of it's unavoidability. Anyways, my point is an audience CAN make a performace amazing. Okay back to story, I agree, nothing is perfect... except Phineas and Ferb. Your key slipped off your neck from the force that propelled you to the ground from the massive explosion. The key landed near the mansion and got burried along with the rubble. I didn't want this long boring explaination put in though, because when I re-read it I kept skipping over it so I just decided to cut it out for sake of excitement levels. Thanks, in this nightmare... oh never mind I don't want to spoil it *grins* but trust me, when you find out it's going to be comment chaos over here. Oh Seth is researching the science of time travel through movies based on the theroy's and fictional dilemma's that could possibly happen to you if you were to use your powers in a dangerous situation. Just clearing that up for ya.

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • @ Aria

    Yeah I've started working on a character for that, but I haven't been able to finish her yet. I will probably have it done by the 12th or 13th depending on how my week goes. I wouldn't know that the line is from One Direction, I'm one of those girls who is into rock N roll and musical songs... yeah I'm weird I've noticed. I'm not a hater for One Direction though, I think they're very talented entertainers. I only hate on things that either hurt other people because they're different or has a bad influence on society and/or the teenage demographic (note to hollywood: We ARE intelligent, stop making us look bad) Okay that's my personal feelings on One Direction, I think they're fine they're just not my style. I don't think Devin would actually sleep if he was lying next to you. He'd probably keep you up the whole night talking about random things. HEY I needed to let the readers know that the trailer park is full of trailers. It's a nessesary detail... well at least I think so, it could've been abandoned, or filled with zombies, or have a musical dance number going on. Possibilities are endless when it comes to places you've never been before. Oooh, singing is so much fun. I do it every day. If someone came up to me, and told me that if I didn't sing a single song for one day that they'd give me a million dollars. I'd probably have to stop breathing all together just in able to last two hours of the day without bursting into song. Although I CAN go a whole day without talking, I just stick duct tape to my mouth and BAM no more talking. You know I can't tell the difference between singing alone and singing in front of a crowd. I'm sorry I can't sympathize with people on that note because I LOVE performing in front of people. It gives me adreneline and I feel like I'm on top of the world. I dunno, call me crazy but I think an audience can make any performance ten times better because they give the performer energy and pressure. (continued)

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • Pfffft. Oh, me. You (I? We?) should really be more paranoid about those dreams. At times like these, everything means something, and usually that something is going to totally ruin your day. Which is probobly what the dream meant, actually- sort of like, "When things are going good, expect explosions and psychotic doctors." XD

    I'm like you in that I usually pick someone from the start and stick with them. But this time I'm just being really biased, because I like Devin, and have a freind a LOT like him in real life. So I'm thinking I might change it later on, when I get to know the characters better.

    But then again.... "Stick with the evil that you know." XD

    I'm gonna stop here, 'cause this is starting to get really long, but first I just wanted to say that this was really, really awesome, even though nothing exploded. And that I think someone planted a bomb/tracking device/other unpleasent contraption in the car while Carol and.... I (?) went stalking.

    The Popolisk
  • Anyway, I have a quiz thats called "Mysterious & Unexpected Events Contest {Aria's}" Please check it out, anyone can feel free to enter. The due date and everything is in the quiz! (:

  • This is more like it! "Actions speak louder than words" is a line from One Direction song Gotta Be You. (: Aw, why can't devin sleep next to me? =/ HEHE! Noah is so smart, the character and my friend from home here (: Percy Jackson is Seth's fav? That's cool. Aw, he blushed. Oh yeah, mistakes do happen. Missy, obviously the trailer park will be full with trailers XD Oh yeah, who is after mE? Well this sucks that I don't even know. Noah won! Yay! (: Carol NEEDS to know everything. She's mah bestie of all time :P My old life? MPC, This life is more interesting. Fights, guys, fun, recklessness. It's what "i've" needed! Carol does exactly what I do. Oh yeah, I have something to tell you. *pauses reading.* Kay, well since I like to sing, my friend and I go in the courtyard everytime and I sing songs I like. I sang a bunch of One Direction songs and others and when the music teacher was passing, she looked REALLY impressed! Woohoo! Mission accomplished but unfortunately, i can never sing in front of a crowd. I'm horrible. oKAY! Reading back the story. Yay, dream! Everything is perfect. Oh how the character me and the real me wish that was real. Nothing will never be perfect. Something always has to go wrong! >.< Okay, I don't like this bad part. It's BAD. hehe. Anyways, WHY IS MY KEY BURIED WITH THE MANSION!?! I'm strapped to a table? This is dumb -________- Whoever those guys are, Imma kick them in their nuts. BRAIN DISSECTION?! What the strudelly cannons?! Told ya it was just a dream. Warren has always had faith in me. I feel special, Hehe. But seriously, i don't want him to die, that'll be wrong. I should stop yelling. We don't want to be caught. Btw, the nightmare is awesome. So real though. Haha!

  • Okay so I'm now done reading TRB's Teenage Chronicle Part 22. Now, I'm NOW starting to read this xD Haha. Okay, *begins to read* Yes, we need answers. NOTHING CAN DISTRACT ME, Not even the guys. But ooh...look a rainbow! (: Okay, this is serious *serious face* Oh dear lord, she's thankful for being alive for the first time in her life! XD But just don't count your eggs before they hatch. Ooh! We're spying on the guys. Seth's looking for movies??! LOL. Wait, he's doing WHAT research for me? Hehe. Devin, devin, devin. He's so hawt but we like his personality. Hawt ones tend to be the bad ones xD *gasps* They'll never get Devin. He's so much more smarter than them. Haha. Oh hell yah! We don't want OTHER THINGS messing with Devin. We just schooled some retards! Woohoo.

  • Okay, I don't like this bad part. It's BAD. hehe. Anyways, WHY IS MY KEY BURIED WITH THE MANSION!?! I'm strapped to a table? This is dumb -________- Whoever those guys are, Imma kick them in their nuts. BRAIN DISSECTION?! What the strudelly cannons?! Told ya it was just a dream. Warren has always had faith in me. I feel special, Hehe. But seriously, i don't want him to die, that'll be wrong. I should stop yelling. We don't want to be caught. Btw, the nightmare is awesome. So real though. Haha! Anyway, I have a quiz thats called "Mysterious & Unexpected Events Contest {Aria's}" Please check it out, anyone can feel free to enter. The due date and everything is in the quiz! (:

  • Okay so I'm now done reading TRB's Teenage Chronicle Part 22. Now, I'm NOW starting to read this xD Haha. Okay, *begins to read* Yes, we need answers. NOTHING CAN DISTRACT ME, Not even the guys. But ooh...look a rainbow! (: Okay, this is serious *serious face* Oh dear lord, she's thankful for being alive for the first time in her life! XD But just don't count your eggs before they hatch. Ooh! We're spying on the guys. Seth's looking for movies??! LOL. Wait, he's doing WHAT research for me? Hehe. Devin, devin, devin. He's so hawt but we like his personality. Hawt ones tend to be the bad ones xD *gasps* They'll never get Devin. He's so much more smarter than them. Haha. Oh hell yah! We don't want OTHER THINGS messing with Devin. We just schooled some retards! Woohoo. This is more like it! "Actions speak louder than words" is a line from One Direction song Gotta Be You. (: Aw, why can't devin sleep next to me? =/ HEHE! Noah is so smart, the character and my friend from home here (: Percy Jackson is Seth's fav? That's cool. Aw, he blushed. Oh yeah, mistakes do happen. Missy, obviously the trailer park will be full with trailers XD Oh yeah, who is after mE? Well this sucks that I don't even know. Noah won! Yay! (: Carol NEEDS to know everything. She's mah bestie of all time :P My old life? MPC, This life is more interesting. Fights, guys, fun, recklessness. It's what "i've" needed! Carol does exactly what I do. Oh yeah, I have something to tell you. *pauses reading.* Kay, well since I like to sing, my friend and I go in the courtyard everytime and I sing songs I like. I sang a bunch of One Direction songs and others and when the music teacher was passing, she looked REALLY impressed! Woohoo! Mission accomplished but unfortunately, i can never sing in front of a crowd. I'm horrible. oKAY! Reading back the story. Yay, dream! Everything is perfect. Oh how the character me and the real me wish that was real. Nothing will never be perfect. Something always has to go wrong! >

  • @ singin234

    Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it. Yeah, Warren is confusing at times but he means well. Carol is great, and I know what you mean about having no best friends. I think the story would be a lot darker if I didn't have her. I like a little dark, but too much is serverely depressing. This isn't going to be a straight up comedy or tradgedy, it's a little of both because I love both mediums so much. I don't go for the sad boo hoo tradgedy though, I like tradgedies that make people think.

    @ Innominate

    I think you're one of the few readers that know who they like. Not that there's anything wrong with taking your time on picking who you like, I just wanted to point that out. I usually pick a guy instantly and stick with that choice... usually. There's only one quiz I know of that completely threw me off. It's called "Don't leave me hanging" and I made the mistake of falling for the bad guy... oops *shrugs* Oh yeah the nightmare, I'm just going to say that the answers will come eventually.

    @ Faith

    It's comments like yours that I feel so happy that the internet exsists. Thank you very much, I'm kind of speechless but I do know that I want to say thank you. That goes for all of you thank you so much for being so supportive. I can't wait until summer so I can write more. Thank you all for reading, you're all awesome!

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • THIS IS FREAKIN FANTASTIC while I was reading about the dream and listening to the music my heart was like beating fast I was so anxious and that's the first time I felt anxious reading a story that just proves how FANTASTICALLY AMAZING your story is you are a really GREAT writer which makes the story even better than FANTASTIC I LOVED IT AND CAN'T WAIT TILL THE NEXT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I like Warren :D I'm not really sure how much he likes me though... but it's good that way at the moment. I kind of ruled out Devin, he's funnny and a cool friend but I like someone a bit more sort of reliable and unfathomable. Like Warren :) Aargh I don't know about the nightmare! It was creepy! I hope you're going to tell us :P

  • This was amazing!! As always! This is one of my fav series!!! Anyway I still don't know who Iike. I ruled out Seth, not because this past or anything. I just not that into him. Devin, Noah and Warren, I have no idea about. After this quiz I am looking at Warren in a different way. It's so hard!! At lest I have my normal best friend, she seems great! I love that you made her nice, random, funny because the main character really needs someone like that!! Having no best friends in life is pretty hard, I know all about it!! I can't wait for the next one! I love the title as well!


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