Relationship Quiz

A perfect relationship is hard to find. Some think that have it and don't, while others don't even know what it looks like. Relationships can be very hard, and many of us give up on them far too easy. You may be with the perfect person and not even know it. Remember, all bad relationships can be made better and all perfect relationships can be destroyed by not working at it.

Are you in the perfect relationship? This quick quiz takes a fun look at whether or not you and your significant other is fiery or ice cold. Perfect can be a hard word to define. Thankfully this fun quiz will evaluate several aspects of your relationship to let you know what type of relationship you are currently in.

Created by: Chad

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were to describe your partner in one word it would be...
  2. If I'm in the mood, but my partner is not, I...
  3. My favorite color is...
  4. The one animal my partner most resembles is...
  5. I love it when my partner...
  6. When I am with my partner I think about...
  7. Every morning I turn to my partner and ...
  8. The part of the body I love most about my partner is located...
  9. My partner looks best...
  10. The thing I want most from my partner is...
  11. I want my partner to be more ... in bed

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