Random facts and puzzles quiz

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please don't cheat this is a quiz with a bit of humor and trivia i have also added a few puzzles trick answers and obviously wrong answers just for fun. enjoy like and comment.

random facts random puzzles here don't get bummed if you score low these are facts i'd be surprised if you just knew it.this is all satire i'm not that obsessed with not cheating.

Created by: onlypotatoesboi
  1. first lets start easy (very just so you fell better about yourself if you get 0%): is the earth flat
  2. okay lets get real here as of 2019 February 18th how many subscribers does Justin Y have no looking CHEAT
  3. (did you cheat on the last question if you did click the 3rd one) which animal can be helped to predict earthquakes
  4. who won the 2006 word cup (football/soccer)
  5. .this Sent3nce Is Fals3 Ch0se The $econd 1 to win😎.
  6. did you enjoy the song in the link.also what was the first state to submit to the USA
  7. using logic chose the correct(answer not the ones that are telling the truth) one . some are lying some aren't. good luckHINT: 7 IS RIGHT
  8. GEEZ i tried question 7 after an hour break and i forgot how i got my answer. well how many airports does Libya have
  9. unscramble these letters WARNING: STRICTLY NO CHEATING OR FARTINGtsaucico
  10. whic of these is not an io game
  11. second last question do you like it so far?anyway who has top comment on youtube rewind 2015(2019)no looking
  12. which of these is a true not story
  13. this quistion only exists so number 11 is a lie and 13 is supposed to be the unlucky number also who is the president of the united sates

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