This quiz test knowledge of the actual production of the Daikon Radish which is a root crop. This crop is quite easy to produce and has countless benefits to human consumption.

Benefits are spread across wide ranging nutritious recipes, preventive medicinal purposes and as a crop to choose for educational purposes for school gardens.

Created by: Nantricia Ali of The Radical Radish
(your link here more info)
  1. What is the first type of soil tillage for radish bed preparation called?
  2. What instruments are used to perform primary tillage manually?
  3. What is the scientific name for radish?
  4. What should be formed on the radish beds before planting?
  5. Why are ridges formed on the radish bed?
  6. How far apart are the seeds spaced on the ridges when planted?
  7. What kind of crop is radish?
  8. Root crops like radish require fertilizers higher in which nutrient?
  9. How long does it take for radish plants to mature?
  10. What is the local name for radish?

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