Popular Produce Quiz 1

We sell tons of fruits and vegetables at HEB every day. Most have stickers and can be found on your produce sheet, but it can take time to look them up, slowing down customer service.

Do YOU know them all? Are you virtually a green genius? Test your green knowledge with this great quiz and see if you have the knowledge to wow your customers!

Created by: Jessica Norwood
  1. Jalapenos are popular in salsas:
  2. Bugs bunny eats these in bunches...
  3. These tomatoes are great for making homemade sauces...
  4. These little crowns look like trees...
  5. ...makes guacamole green.
  6. The "lime" in cherry-limeade is...
  7. When life gives you ... make lemonade!
  8. These are great with Nilla wafers and pudding!
  9. Popular with Cream of Mushroom soup and some French Onions for holiday potlucks:
  10. Big ball of lettuce?

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