R U Justin Beiber's friend, or girlfriend?

There are only a few chances for you to see if you are Justin's friend, or girlfriend. Only someone extremely like Justin will be his girlfriend. Ordinary fans will just be his friends.

Are you worthy enough to hold the tittle of Justin Beiber's girlfriend!?! It will be a great acomplishment for you if that is true. But if not, you're just his friend.

Created by: JBLUVER
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What song would you be?
  2. What is your fav #?
  3. What is your fav cereal??
  4. What animal would you have as a pet??
  5. What would you rather live in?
  6. Which is more important??
  7. What job would you have?
  8. What month were you born in??
  9. What ia ur fav food?
  10. What is ur hair color??

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