R U Ian or Jacob

People may be Ian or Jake but every one of you are winners no mader what you do If you had Fun you won that6s what my gym teacher Mr.H said, in my school Arrowhead

do you think you can be Ian or Jake well people take this Quiz and you'll find out if you are ethier Ian or Jake and also while your finding out if you are Ian or Jake have Fun thats what make this Quiz funner

Created by: C8C16
  1. which is your favirte color?
  2. whitch is your favirte fruit?
  3. where you want to go to?
  4. what power would you have?
  5. if you could turn to an animal what would it be?
  6. whats your favirte ninja move?
  7. if 2 robbers just stole an old lady's purse what would you do?
  8. whats your favirte sport?
  9. whitch number would you pick?
  10. whats your favirte subjet in school?

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