Quiz to test Nick Withee's Chamber of Secret Knowledge

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This quiz was specifically made for an annoying guy named Nick Withee. So if your name is not Nick Withee, and/or you are not annoying-- then scram. Thanks!

This is a hard-level, 16 item quiz. I don't want to hear you complain about it or the next quiz for Prisoner of Azkaban will be 100 items. Good luck. You need it.

Created by: Mhaey
  1. First, what is the name of the couple that attends dinner at the Dursley's?
  2. In order to get Harry in trouble, where does Dobby drop Aunt Petunia's "masterpiece pudding"?
  3. What does Mrs. Weasley make Fred, George, and Ron do after returning to the Burrow with Harry?
  4. What's the name of the book Mr. Malfoy pulls out of Ginny's cauldron in Flourish and Blotts?
  5. While repotting the Mandrakes, who is in Harry's group?
  6. While in Filch's office, what does Harry spot on his desk?
  7. Where were Harry, Hermione, and Ron coming from when they found Mrs. Norris petrified?
  8. Which professor tells their class about The Chamber of Secrets legend?
  9. How does Harry distract Snape so that Hermione can get ingredients from his private stores?
  10. What happens to Hermione and Millicent while they are partnered for the Dueling Club?
  11. Why does Ron recognize Tom Riddle's name after Harry finds the diary?
  12. What type of magical creature delivers Valentine's Day messages to the students?
  13. What game do Fred and George challenge Harry and Ron to while hanging out in the Gryffindor common room?
  14. What is the name of Aragog's wife?
  15. How does Mr. Malfoy give Dobby a sock?
  16. And finally, what secret was Percy keeping from everyone all year?

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