Quiz Hater Quiz

There are people who hate quizzes, and there are people who suck. This must be a certain number of characters long. They won't even let me say how long. I'm trying really hard not to swear. Whoever runs this website needs to be beaten severely. Honestly I can't just make a crappy quiz?

Do you suck? This must be longer, but I'm not allowed to say how long. I feel like burning someone's house down. Whoever runs this website needs to be beaten severely. Honestly I can't just make a crappy quiz?

Created by: ben

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How much do you hate these lame quizzes that try to tell you something about yourself based on someone else's retarded questions, and their opinion on the 'correct' answers?
  2. question number two...
  3. 3.
  4. no.
  5. Why does it make me make 10 questions?
  6. this is stupid.
  7. This is a waste of my life.
  8. I hate quizzes.
  9. Am I done yet.
  10. Yet another?

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