Quiz for Aaron Wright

Well Aaron...it's time I quiz you. Lets see how well I think I know you. This will probably be sad. Answer these questions and send me your results via email or GTalk.

Don't forget: Paper RPG Online: We put the fun in fantasy...er, funtasy? Debuting whenever Matthew and Aaron get their lazy butts back into their computer chairs and start gaming! >:(

Created by: Jared
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Jared says: :D What does Aaron say?
  2. The company that "produces" Paper RPG is:
  3. Jared's middle name is:
  4. The last time Jared, Aaron, and Matthew played Paper RPG was:
  5. True or False: This Quiz DOES have right and wrong answers, rather than only opinions.
  6. Click the circle next to "BLARG!"
  7. Do you ever plan to use the online Paper RPG?
  8. If I offered you all the money in the world in exchange for your siblings souls, would you accept?
  9. Did that last question disturb you?
  10. How many Bikers were in DC when you went there last?
  11. This is the eleventh question.
  12. OMG!!! A pirate jumps at you and swings his saber!
  13. Are you gay?
  14. Lucy Pinder...

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