Quiz about Jenna

Well, if Jenna is posting this quiz it probably means she wants to know how much you REALLY know about her. Have you known her for years or only months? Will it matter? Do you talk to Jenna a lot and know all things about her?

Find out how much you know about Jenna. She doesn't really care, but is interested in seeing your answers. If you get them all wrong she will personally attack you. (Jk....maybe...o_o)

Created by: Jenna of facebook
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my favorite color?
  2. What is my favorite food?
  3. Which holiday is my birthday closest to?
  4. How many earrings(piercings) do I have?
  5. What's my favorite band?
  6. What's my favorite book (out of the selection)?
  7. What's my favorite hobby?
  8. What position do I play in soccer?
  9. What is my least favorite subject?
  10. What countries did I visit in the summer after 6th grade with People to People?

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