pro soccer quiz

i think u should go try other soccer quizs because this is to hard to get 100 u have to be me cause im pro fo sho thats why i made this quiz so i can show u how u have to work to get good jobs i would perfer soccer as a job because its fun

a are u a playa ;like me then try this quia and go over to others if u like to let u know this is my first quiz today 1 2 3 4 u are a genies at everthing so go and try other quizes

Created by: Eduardo Herrera
  1. who are the best soccer player(s) ever know
  2. what leauge is liverpool in
  3. who won the world cup in 2002
  4. where is the world cup coming back
  5. who won the mexican league 2006
  6. what team did beckham go to in 2006
  7. who did zidane hit in the finals (2006)
  8. who won the most FA cups
  9. who has won the most cups in the Libertadores
  10. who won the mexican league in 2005
  11. who won the first world cup

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