Pretty Flowers in the Dust; Part 4

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First off, I have been reading some comments from my other series, and I understand that I copied Fang from Maximum Ride. Guys, I was like 11, yes it was immature and I'm sorry if it offended anyone. Just putting that out there.

Second off, I just want you guys to understand that I lost interest in this series, and I am sorry for that. But I made a promise, and I'm sticking to it. I am going to try to make the updates more frequent, but it will be hard. I have highschool, and it takes literally FOREVER just to make a quiz. Especially when I'm trying to make it semi okay.

Created by: fireprincess1996
  1. You ran your hands over the necklace, feeling sick to your stomach. Why had the orange haired girl mind tricked you into putting it on? Wasn't something supposed to happen? 'Maybe it doesn't work on people like me', you thought, than sneered at yourself. 'People like me', you thought rolling your eyes. Sighing, you turn towards Nakia, who was looking at you with expecting eyes. "What?" You whispered, still trying to hear what was happening outside of the closest. "Aren't you going to take it off?" Nakia whispered, gesturing to the necklace. You froze, trying to figure out what to say. "No." You decide. Nakia's eyes narrowed. "No?" She says more of a statement that a question. Daring you to repeat it. "No," You repeat. "And why not?" She says loudly, and you push her lightly making a 'ssh' sound. "Be quiet!" You hiss. A loud crash, kind of like glass breaking and you heard Fang and Max yelling. A knot began to form in your throat, and your heart was hammering. "What do you think is going on out there?" You ask, grabbing a hold of Nakia's hand. "I don't know, it's hard to hear with all of them yelling at once." She says, shifting uncomfortably. Footsteps began to form near the closet, small and rapid, like a child running. You both stare at the door, than at each other. "Can you hear it?" You whisper to Nakia, and she nods. "Maybe it's Re-," She begins to say before the door gets thrown open and a small blonde child is staring at you. "April," You say, out of breath from fear. Nakia gives you a look, than turns to April, with a look of astonishment on her face. You give her a confused look, and than you realize. "Wait, so you can see her now?" You ask, amazed. "But, how?" "I'm showing myself to her, but it's not going to be like this with everyone, look-," She pauses gesturing for you to come out of the closet. "You should come see this.." You go out first, and Nakia follows. You grab her hand, and April leads in front of you two. In the dim light, you can see glass scattered on the floor, and picture frames were on the carpet. As you continued down the hallway, you could hear the yelling getting louder, but you still couldn't make out any words. Your stomach turned, and it felt as if you might throw up right then and there. "What happened here?" You whisper to April but she doesn't answer.
  2. As you three go to the left, past the staircase, you notice things thrown upon the steps, though you are unable to see them through the darkness. Surely, Nakia knew, but you don't dare ask. "Oh my god," she whispers, taking in what looked as if a tornado came through. The voices were clear now, and you could hear everyone arguing. "We told you, we don't know where they are!" Renee screeches, and you can hear Alex yell in reply. "Well then call them! This is not a game anymore, little girl!" Lilah jumps in with, "Would you just shut up, Alex! We've called both of them numerous times and they won't answer!" Max takes in the opportunity to say, "What the hell explains what happened to them, then? Where could they have gone? We've turned this place upside down searching for them, and we've got an army from that damned forest on the hunt to look us and they could have the two of them for all we know!" 'Oh god..', you think. Who had told them? Finally, the three of you enter the living room and Nakia looks at the space in front of you, where April was no longer standing. "Where is she?" She whispers, and you shrug. "She disappears when she feels she needs to," You reply. You both go through the door way and you stop dead in your tracks. The coffee table is upside down, your pillows and blankets are a scatter on the floor, more picture frames are broken, and Fang, Alex, Max, Syllabell, Lilah, Sam, Renee, Atreyu, Zaine, and Phoenix standing around the living room, mad looks on their face. "What the hell did you guys do to my dads house?" You said loudly, and all eyes are on you, than Nakia. "What did we do? Where in the hell have you two been?!" Alex yells, stalking across the room to you. Nakia walks over to Atreyu and wraps her arms around him. "I'm so sorry, baby," she says and he leans his head on hers. "We got lost, okay? And our cells died," You lie and everyone else except for Atreyu and Nakia walked up to you. "Really," Phoenix says, giving you a look. "What happened to you guys?" "Save the lies, ________. If you were really lost, you could have teleported your way out. Now, I'm going to ask you again, where. Were. You. Two?" Alex says, arms crossed. You frown at him, mentally cursing yourself. "Stop talking to me as if I'm a child, Alex. Now, what did you do to my dad's house?" You ask, nearly yelling. "It isn't me you should be asking that question," he said, a smug look on his face. "Fang, tell her." he adds and you look past Alex and towards Fang. He has a scowl on his face and gives Alex a glare. "It wasn't just me, ________. Everyone was mad, and than weird sh-," He stopped himself, looking at Renee. "I mean, weird crap started going on and you guys went missing and we were all freaked out." He says, putting a hand behind his neck. You are quiet, chewing on your lip. How dare they trash the house? That wasn't even yours? 'Oh well', you think, running a hand through your hair. 'This is my fault, not theirs.' "So you trash my dad's house? Renee you didn't even stop them?" You ask looking down at your little sister. She gave you a sheepish look. "It was actually.. kinda fun.." She says and you stare at her in surprise. "You helped?" You ask, shocked. "Oh my god," You say, laughing a little and you started pacing. "I can't believe you guys!" You yell. "I mean, you might as well just put a sign on my forehead that reads 'irresponsible'! Do I even want to see what the upstairs looks like?! How am I-," You stop yourself, remembering something that April had said earlier. 'Can I trash the place?' she had said. Had she helped? Was this her idea? If so, why had she shown you? "_________?" Lilah asks and you hold up one finger. "Hang on," You say, thinking. You look down at the necklace hiding inside your shirt, and willed it not to glow. Everyone else thought you were probably staring at your boobs, well, except for Nakia. You swallowed, taking in a deep breath. "We should get this cleaned up, turn on all the lights, just call it a night." You say, looking back up. "What? No, we can't. It's not even 3:33 yet, we still have two hours!" Max says. Only an hour had passed? You groan, and resist the urge to pull out your hair.
  3. "Alright," you say, unsure of what to do now. "But how are we going to do this with all the crap in the way?" "Guess we'll just have to manage," Sam says. "We gonna split up again?" Syllabell asks and everyone automatically got in groups, leaving you-once again-on your own. Nakia and Atreyu were together, Sam and Syllabell, Fang and Max, Zaine and Alex, and Lilah and Phoenix. Everyone assumed where they were going to check first, and they left you with the upstairs. Everyone parted, leaving you to find your candle and head upstairs. You quickly relit it, and April came to your side, with your bag of salt. "Thought you might want some company," She says and you nod. "Thanks," You say quietly, and started bounding up the steps. They creaked and groaned underneath the weight of your body. You step over broken wood, and more glass, and dead flowers. You were so going to make everyone help you get this place spotless and replace the broken damage. Your dad will kill you if he came back and saw the place like this. "You're wearing the necklace, aren't you?" April asks, surprising you, as if you needed any more. "What do you know about the necklace?" you ask. Sure, she had been there in the forest, but did she actually know ANYTHING about it? She shrugs. "Just that it's really powerful, and those people want you to wear it. So if I were you, I'd take it off." You nod, "I suppose your right, but I don't exactly have anywhere to put it." You reply. "Well, there's always your pocket, or we could just empty this bag of salt and wellah," she says shaking the bag. You half smile down at the little girl standing beside you. "Than we wouldn't have anything to protect ourselves, smartie." You say, starting down the hall and into the first room-Renee's room. Everything in here was untouched so far, as if she had intentionally avoided her room. You couldn't blame her, you would have too. "I'm starting to regret having ever agreed to this," You tell April, walking around the fairly large room. "Well, you can't really do anything about it now," She replies, following you. "Do we have to get in closet's?" She adds. You shake your head, "No, I don't think so." You proceed out of the room, and down to the next one, your spare bedroom for when you and Renee visit. The room was very bare, except for the dresser, pushing up against the far left wall, the small T.V on top of it, and your bed. No posters, only one picture of your mom and dad. You had always wondered where your mom was buried at, if she even had a funeral. If she did, was it a good one? Did a lot of people show up, if so, who? Questions raced your mind, as you picked up the picture and examined it. You had your moms face structure, and eyes, but your hair was a mixture between your father's and your mother's. You weren't really sure what to call the color. "That your mom?" April asks, talking about the picture. You nod, "Yeah, she was." "What happened to her?" "She, uh- She died," You say, not really sure what else you were supposed to say. "Oh, I'm sorry.." She said softly, and you set the picture down. You roamed the rest of the room, hating the tension in the air. Sighing, you sat down on your bed. You were going to take a break, just for a little while, you decide. You pat the spot beside you, and April sits down. "Tell me about your mom, did you know her?" you ask.
  4. "Not really," she starts off. "I mean, I was real young when she left-," you interrupt her. "Left? You mean, like, abandoned you, or died?" She shrugs. "Left, she left one day and just never came back. Anyways, I remember she would make these really good muffins, and she would read me bedtimes stories. You know that one about the egg who fell off that wall?" "Humpty Dumpty," You say nodding. "Yeah," she says, smiling a little. "Yeah, that one was my favorite." "Why was it your favorite?" You ask, hoping she didn't mind, after all she paused. She thinks for a minute. "Because, he was broken. He broke himself, and nobody could fix him. Nobody could put him back together, not even himself. Yaknow?" She looks over at you and you nod. "I know," You say quietly. There was a moment of silence, than a loud crash of glass breaking and a blurred object land on the ground with a crouch. A small scream comes from both you and April and you pull her behind you, to protect her from the glass, even though it wouldn't bother her. "What the hell!" You yell, jumping up, only to find yourself face to face with the orange haired girl from the forest. You stop dead in your tracks, and stare into her bright golden eyes. They seemed to radiate light into the dark room, save for the candle. "April," You say, not taking your gaze off of the orange haired girl. "Go get Nakia, now." You can hear her little feet running out of the room, down the hall and finally down the steps. "I've found you once again!" She smiles, a wide perfect toothed, grin. "Uh, yeah.. How exactly?" You ask, taking a step back and trying to reach for anything that might be helpful. "Oh, the necklace of course. And look! You kept it on," She seemed to radiate with pride, unless she was just naturally this way. You wanted to rip the necklace off your neck that very instant, but you were afraid she would mind trick you into putting it on again. You kept backing up, and she was just one step right behind you. There was nothing for you to use, only yourself. "So, what is it you came for?" You kept your voice level, though you were shaking slightly. "You of course! Shall we go now?" You frown. "You came for me, and you couldn't have just waltz through the front door, up the stairs and into the bedroom? No, you just had to add onto the damage that I have to clean up later. Thanks." You say, annoyed. What was taking April and Nakia so long? You figured only thirty seconds to a minute had gone by, that should be plenty long unless Nakia couldn't be found, or Atreyu started asking questions.
  5. "Yeah, I apologize about that. It was such a lovely window," She says and you frown in confusion. What was wrong with this girl? She grabbed a hold of your wrist and started leading you to the door. "No, wait!" You exclaim, trying to buy some time. Why didn't you just teleport and get over with it? Well, what will happen to the other's if she found them, or what if she was followed? "What is it?" She asks in a calm tone, and stops. "I want to tell you a story," You say quickly, racking your brain for one. You remember April talking about Humpty Dumpty and you open your mouth. "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the-," You were interrupted by the sound of her laughing. Her laugh was pretty, it was perfect. You couldn't quite explain it. It almost made you smile. "We don't have time for childish stories, dear. We must go," She says, starting to pull you again. "Go where?" You ask, irritated, but you get no answer. You push down on your shoes, hoping you will get some traction on the carpet. "I will not go." You raise your voice, but it was not quite a yell. She stops, turning towards you, with a look on her graceful face. "Now you listen to me child, you can either come with me, and I shall make it easy, or you can wait 'til someone else comes and finds you and your little friends. Believe me, it will not be pretty. You are far outnumbered." She spoke in a low voice, a dangerous tone. You let out a sigh of defeat and start to follow her. She leads you down the hallway and down the stairs. You can hear footsteps headed your way and you hoped with everything that nobody will see. "What the hell is going on here? Who is this?" Atreyu asks, Nakia and April right behind him. Nakia's eyes are wide and you shake your head at her. "What a surprise, are these your friends? Oh, of course they are. They have such pretty faces. Especially you, little one," she said leaning down and stroking April's face. Atreyu had a look of confusion on your face and he looked at you, than Nakia. You both shrugged. "Oh, where are my manners? My name is Colette, and you are?" Her eyes were taunting, and her gaze turned to Atreyu. You could see the change in her, the sudden fire of electricity that pulsed through her body. "Atreyu, close your eyes, and walk away." You say, in a stern voice. He laughs a little, shaking his head slightly. You can tell that he is in a daze, his face was full of wonder. You wish you could posses such great power, get looks like that. You shake that thought away, and turn to Nakia Jae. She had a look of horror on her face, and she kept looking from Atreyu to Colette. "Nakia," You say, trying to pry Colette's hand off of your wrist. "You need to get out of here, get Atreyu out of here. Everything's going to be okay." You kept your voice soft, unsure of what to do. Colette's grip tightened, and you could feel your veins push against your skin. "Nakia!" You bark. "Do what I said!" Nakia looks at you and frowned. "Atreyu, honey, let's go." she says, and puts a hand on his arm. You start to think of ways to get Atreyu and Nakia out of this, to buy them some time. "I thought you said we had to go," You say, looking down at Colette. Her smile widens and she nods, looking back up at you. "Yes, darling. Let's go." She begins to walk to the front door again and you turn your head, looking over your shoulder and at Nakia. She was staring at you, with a look you couldn't quite figure out. 'I'm sorry,' You mouth to her, trying to slow down your walking. 'What's going on?' she mouths back and you shake your head. You are not sure of what's going on, or where you were going. You turn back just in time to go through the open door and it latches shut with a thud. You concentrated hard, and closed your eyes for a couple of seconds. 'Get everyone out of the house, and go back home,' you thought to Nakia, hoping she would be able to get it. 'No, I'm not going to leave you like that,' Her voice sounded in your head perfectly, and you had to think for a moment whether she was actually by your side or not. 'You have to, because they're going to come searching for you too,' you thought back. You could practically see her shake her head. 'No, ________. You don't get it. They don't want us, what they want is you. You gave yourself to them, get yourself out of this, and call on me when you need us.' Than the connection was lost.
  6. "Colette," You say, trying to buy time with conversation. "What is that, greek?" Colette smiles widely, and nods. "Why, yes. How could you tell?" She asks, stepping over tree trunks and sticks. She moved with grace, and you wondered if you looked like she did walking. Probably not. "I don't know, just suspected," You say, trying to keep up with her. "It is in your blood to know." "Yeah, and how do you know that?" Her smile is smug and she simply shrugs. "No more than how you knew that my name was greek." You have no idea what time it is, and where you were walking to, and you were freezing. "Colette?" You ask once again, loving the way her name sounded. "Yes, dear?" She replies. "Where are we going?" "You'll find out when we get there." You huffed out a sigh and grumbled something under your breath. "I do not understand why you are so upset, darling. I could make things far much worse." She says and you roll your eyes. Despite her beauty and charm, she was a real pain in the butt. "So why are you taking me in the first place?" You ask and she shrugs. "We need you." You snort. "Yeah, okay. Why?" You can't hide your sarcasm. "I am only taking orders. That you'll have to ask her." You walk for a couple of more minutes in silence, and after what felt like eternity of holding it in, you blurt out, "What are you?" She gives you a strange look and slows down her pace. "What are you?" She mocks and you give her an annoyed look. "I'm only teasing," she says before continuing. "I'm a Nyxus. We are a very rare kind, and we can possess the minds of anyone we would like. The most common you find are ones like me, with the image of fire, or others with the image of ice. The rarest are the ones who image earth." You nod, interested. "And what would they look like?" You ask. She smiles, pleased with your interest. "Which one?" "Both." She let's out a soft sigh and nods. "Well, the ones with the image of ice, they're beautiful, we're all beautiful. They have snow white hair, sometimes they have deep blue eyes, or very light, white-blue eyes. You might even call them "Albino's," Rare, yes?" You nod. "The ones with the image of earth, it is hard to pick them out. They can take the look of anyone. Brown hair, blonde hair, or black hair. Never any other color, and they have the greenest of eyes, like deep emeralds." You look at her amazed, and she moves her hand from your wrist to your hand and holds it. Her skin is soft, and warm, despite the freezing air. You wonder what is going to happen, if Nakia, Max, Lilah, Alex, Syllabell, Zaine, Atreyu, Phoenix, Sam and Fang were already looking for you. Did you want them too? Did you want to put them in danger like that? Questions swam around in your head and you decide one thing; You will NOT put any of your friend's lives in danger. You will get out of this, without hurting anyone that you loved, even yourself. "What are you, darling?" She asks, her voice like a liquid fire, smooth and dangerous. "I'm not sure," You say, truthfully and this gets a laugh out of her. "You don't know? What creature fails to know what they are?" "I'm not a creature.." "Obviously I have defended you, I apologize." You chewed on the inside of your cheek for a couple of seconds before speaking again. "It's not my fault, you know. I was raised by humans up until last year." She nods. "And that is why you have suddenly shown up, as if back from the dead?" It is your turn to nod.
  7. "I wouldn't say, dead. I mean, I've been alive for almost eighteen years," You say. "Hey, how much longer is this place going to be anyways?" You ask, tired of walking. "You're not eighteen yet?" She asks, ignoring your question. "Well no, I mean my birthday's a couple months away. Why? How old are you?" She gives you a sly smile and makes a tsk sound. "It is impolite to ask a woman her age. Have you no manners?" "I guess not." You take the time to look around. All you see is trees, trees, trees and more tree's. Needless to say, the moonlight shining down made everything so much more prettier. "It won't be much longer now," Colette says, and you don't reply. The wind was slightly blowing, and you were imagining what everyone was doing. What Renee was thinking, or even {_______}. Is anyone worried? Or do they think you'll be just fine? "It won't do you good to think about that." A voice says making you look up, startled. You now realize that you have stopped moving, and Colette no longer has your hand. The cloaked woman from earlier stands before you, her voice sounding like a razor blade, waiting for lick your skin. You can't see her face, but you can tell by her posture that she is very skinny, and young. "You're a mind reader," You say matter-of-factly. "Ah, yes. That I am. I am many things, such as yourself." Her head seemed bowed, in some sorts, as if she was trying to hide herself. You do not blame her. "You speak weird, how come I've only heard few people talk like that?" You ask, not minding at all that you sound rude. You were looking around, seeing seldom creatures you thought you would. A blue faerie and a green pixie, a goblin with a messed up face, Collette, three vampires, two boys, one girl. You weren't sure if there were any werewolves, or 'strangely big wolves.' "For some, it is how we are raised. For you and your friends, that is a different story." She says. You look back up at her, and flinch away from her. "Don't bring my friends into this. It's me who you want, and I'm here. Isn't that enough?" You were tired of being talked to like this, like you were some 'thing.' Someone that could just be built up, broke down, and replaced. "Sadly, no. It is not, nor ever will be, enough to just have you. You're just another misfortuned soul that was caught in the middle of this war." There was a sound of protest and you could hear Colette say, "You are wrong, misses. She started it. Look at her neck, see how she wears the beautiful amulet." The cloaked woman's hand skimmed your collar bones, searching for the chain and pulled it out from under your shirt. The glow was no longer a purple, but rather a deep red. A light chuckle came from underneath 'faceless' woman and she released it. "You have betrayed your own kind, so willingly." You gave her a harsh glare. "I was not willing. I was mind tricked!" You were beginning to become angry, and the necklace was starting to turn into a deep burgundy. "Oh? If that is your statement, why is it still on?" You open your mouth, than close it. "I didn't have any chance, not with you sending all of your things after us!" You could see a small, thin, smile on her lower face. "Careful now, you share the blood of every one that is linked to what you would call a 'thing.'" "The hell I do." "Are you denying that you do not possess such powers?" You decide to keep your mouth shut. That was not at all what you mean't. You did not share their blood. You shared your mother's and father's blood. "I deny nothing," You say, wondering why you were still here. You could feel your phone buzzing in your back pocket, and you wonder how long it has been going off. You hope no one else hears it, or worse, says something about it. You wish you could answer it, but you don't.
  8. "Now, tell me now-," She waits for you to reply. "________." You say your name, seriously annoyed with everything at the moment. "________, yes. My apologies." she says, and you begin to slouch, tired. "Are you aware of what power's and trouble that amulet can bring you?" You chew on your cheek once again. "Uh-huh," You hold your arms across your chest and keep your gaze level to what her's must be. "I would like to object to that. The last one to wear it, was a vampire queen, who was murdered by a little girl, who had no idea what she was capable of. Do you know the power she had to have consumed? This amulet is no joke, child. And I am afraid you have no idea what you are getting yourself into." Her voice was low, almost taunting and you put thought into what she had said. "You want the amulet for yourself. You want the power. You don't want me." You say, hoping that to be true. "Think what you will, there will always be a price for your thoughts." "Anybody know what time it is?" You say, randomly remembering the Midnight Man Game. You were fully aware that you were not supposed to leave the house, but hey- so far so good. Colette gawked at you, before looking up at the sky and saying, "2:30, why would you like to know?" You shake your head, trying hard not to let out a sigh. A cold hand was placed upon your cheek, and it felt like everything in your body froze up. It felt as if your blood was frozen and your heart had stopped beating. You felt a moment of cold, tingling, fear run through your body and your stomach twisted and flopped. It was a feeling you never wanted to feel again. You glower at this woman, and take a violent step back. "Don't touch me," You snap at her and she holds her hands up, as if to surrender. "You are even more tempered than I have imagined. Show me, darling. What is it that you are capable of?" You shake your head. You haven't really used any of your powers, ever since Janise died. You were not sure of how to handle them. You usually stuck to fighting with your hands, or weapons. Very rarely did you have to use them. "You can do without me showing you." You say, regretting ever letting Colette take you here. "You are afraid, yes?" Despite your annoyance, you liked how they talked, weird or not. You say nothing. You aren't sure if you are afraid for them, or for yourself. "Well, than?" The cloaked woman pressed on further. She really was going to make you show her your gifts, and you really didn't have a choice. You lifted your trembling hands to your neck, and began to lift the chain up over your head. "Ah, ah. I suggest you keep that on." She says and you glare at her once again. You don't like being ordered around, nor talked to like that. You looked around, wishing that someone, anyone, would come to the rescue. But, no one was there. You had to get yourself out of this. You relaxed your body, and let your hands rest at your sides. You cleared your mind, as much as you could and the wind picked up. When you used your powers, you never knew what to expect. You never focus on what will show up first, so it's kind of like a surprise to you. You like it that way. You kept your eyes on the cloaked woman, wishing you could see your face, but not sure if you would like what you would find. The wind was blowing violently now, and your hair kept hitting your face, and you began to feel a warmth pulse through your body. Tree's snapped close by, and a crackling. The ground began to shake and thunder began to rumble. You could see the faint golden glow of fire, and you could hear one of the vampires yell, "What is she doing?" You look past the cloaked woman to see the two male vampires fighting each other, and the faerie and pixie was ganging up on the female vampire. A small smile creeped onto your face. You look to Colette, watching her face turn from confusion to amazement as she stares at the fire that was just inches from her. You swallow, not sure if she was going to burn herself. She reaches out her hand, and touches the fire. She does not flinch, nor back away. She inches towards the fire, and it inches towards her. She breaks her stare, and grins at you, nodding. You were horrified for moments, than you thought, 'She is the image of fire.' Something dropped from the sky, and hit your skin making you jump a bit. You hold out your hand, and more drops hit your hands. You squint your eyes, and look closer. It is too dark to be water. What could it be? Drops continue to rain from the sky, and you're semi covered in it. The air smells rusty, kind of like salt. Wait, salt. You felt like throwing up. Blood, someone's blood, was raining from the sky. You look up, trying to find the source, maybe someone had been attacked up in a tree above you, but you couldn't see anything. 'Oh my god.' you kept thinking. You could perfectly hear the cackling coming from the cloaked lady, and you wanted to shove her. You wanted to hit her, and scream in her face. Your heart was hammering in your chest. You had to get out of there. You had to take off the necklace and hide it and never wear it again. "Stop it!" You yelled. "Stop laughing!" You were trying to concentrate, trying to make it all stop. You squint your eyes shut, and repeat yelling the words, "Stop it". You couldn't smell anything but blood. You couldn't hear anything but her laughter. Than it went silent.
  9. You open your eyes, and you're standing in the basement of your dads house. All the lights are on, and quickly look around to find that you're alone. You hurriedly start racing up the stairs, repeatedly tripping, and trying to grab something to hold onto. When you burst through the door, you race around to the staircase, and barely glance to the living room and stop abruptly. You back up, pushing down your nausea, and turn to face your friends as they stop talking and stare at you. Your hair is still wet, your body is still slick with blood. They all give you a horrified look and they all stand up at the same time. The silence leaves your ears ringing, than the questions are thrown out. "What in the hell happened to you?" "Where did all that blood come from?" "Is it even real? Is this a prank?" "It's real blood, all right. I can smell it." "Is it your blood?" "Are you okay?" You can't hold it in any longer, you cover your mouth, and walk quickly to the bathroom, aware that you're being followed. You lean over the toilet, standing the sides with your bloody hands as you began to heave up all the contents in your stomach. You feel a hand on your back and hear Nakia ordering everyone to get out, except for Sam and Lilah. Once you hear the door shut, you can't help it any longer. Tear's run down your cheeks, leaving a clear trail through the blood and a sob comes out from your throat as your body shakes violently. You wipe of your mouth and lift your still shaking hands to your neck and rip the necklace off from over your head. Nakia's hand wrapped around you, apparently not caring that you were covered in blood. "Ssh," she soothed. You felt guilty, and ashamed breaking down like this in front of them. "What happened to you? Tell me this isn't your blood." Lilah says and you shake your head at her. "It's not mine," You say, your voice thick. You tell them what happened, knowing the everyone else was probably eavesdropping. You tell them about Colette, and the cloaked woman, leaving out the necklace from earlier. "What about the necklace," Sam says, picking it up. "Why were you wearing it?" You don't answer, trying to find the courage to tell her. "You're a traitor, aren't you?" Her voice is small and you shake your head. Sam was the first girl you met here, when you first got to know the guys. "No, I would never betray you guys like that." You say, swallowing the lump in your throat. Your crying had stopped, thankfully and you had already flushed the toilet before you began explaining. "Than why were you wearing it?" She presses on. "She was mind tricked." Nakia snaps, and you stand up, feeling crowded in the small bathroom. You wonder if Nakia had told them that she had seen April. You decide to ask her later. "By what? Very few have that ability, you know that-," You try not to lean on anything, wishing the conversation could be over quickly, so you can get washed up. "A Nyxus, Colette, she's a Nyxus." They all frown at you, except for Lilah. "I've never heard of that," Sam says and Nakia agrees. "I have, though. They're extremely rare. _______, what kind of Nyxus is Colette?" You feel sheepish, explaining Colette as she had explained herself to you. "She's the image of fire. At least, that's how she put it.." Lilah nods, "Okay, uhm.. I don't really know what to say. I'm sure the guys will want to talk to you later and I'm sure you're not in the mood to answer their questions right now. I wouldn't be, if I was covered in blood. I'm surprised you haven't told us to go away, yet." She says, making eyes at Sam and Nakia. "Oh, right!" Nakia says, getting the cue to leave. "Thanks, Li," You say, walking out with the rest. You go upstairs, and grab an extra set of clothes, and heading back down to the bathroom for a shower. 'If only there were one upstairs,' you think. You will have to talk your dad into that one. After your shower, you no longer feel filthy, and you quickly run a brush through your hair. You're dressed in plain grey sweats and one of your old shirts that has your favorite band logo on it. When you walk out, you find Alex, Max, Fang, and Sam sitting out in the living room talking quietly. You really wish they didn't think you were a traitor for wearing the necklace. Speaking of the necklace, it was hidden in your room, in a hole in your mattress. "Guys," You say quietly. They all look at you and Max patted the space beside him and you sit by him. The silence gave you a bad feeling. "Care to tell us what happened?" You nod. You tell them, what you told the girls. They sit and listen, nodding every once in a while. When you were done, Alex was the first to speak. "You see now, don't you? Why I wanted you to hand over the necklace? People like that are always going to do that, and it's not safe for you." You nod. "I know, but I can handle this. Say I did give the necklace to you, and you kept it with you all the time, just to keep it safe. People will do that to you, Alex. That would be irresponsible on my part. I would be putting you in danger, and if I gave it to anyone else, I would be putting them in danger." "We understand that, ________. But, why don't you just give it to Raven? She knows how to keep it safe." You shrug, sighing. "I don't really know, Max. Sometimes you just have to do things yourself, no matter how hard or easy." Nobody says another word, and you look around. "God, this place is trashed.." You whisper. "We're really sorry about that." Fang says and you nod. "I'm sorry too." You say. You stand up, and begin picking up pieces of glass, being careful not to cut yourself. "Hey, no. That's okay, we made the mess, we can pick it up. You go rest." Fang says, at your side, attempting to get you to hand over the handful of glass. You roll your eyes at him, but smile nevertheless. "Come on, Fang. It's my dad's house. He'd kill me if he I let someone else do the work for me." You say and he laughs a little, smiling back. "The least we can do is help, than. Right guys?" They immediately jump up, and begin to pick things up. "You can always say you were robbed," Alex jokes and you laugh. "Yeah, okay. My dad may be human, but he's defiantly not an idiot." You say. After you guys get all the glass picked up, you focus on moving the pillows and blankets. It seems that no one wanted to sleep down there anyways. Max and Alex bring in the furniture and you vacuum while Fang sweeps up the kitchen. Soon enough, the living room and kitchen looked as if it had never been destroyed. "We can get the hallway, if you get the upstairs done," Max says and you nod. "Thanks guys," You say and the all reply in unison. You pick up handfuls of wood and broken glass from picture frames and put them into a garbage bag. Tomorrow, before your dad gets home you will have to go and buy new picture frames. Once you were done with the stairs, you move on to your room. Your room was spotless, except for the glass from your window, thanks to Colette. You have to fix that too. If your dad found out about this, he will most defiantly not let you have friends over for a long time. You pick up the glass, still not getting any cuts or glass stuck in your skin and you tie the bag up.
  10. It was around 5 in the morning when you finally got to sleep. You were curled up in your bed, blankets wrapped around your body, creating comfort. When you and everyone else woke up, you would head to the store and fix everything. You fell asleep instantly, and fell into a dream. You first noticed the back of Colette, knowing it is her from her vibrant orange hair. She turns around, as if sensing your presence. Her smile is contagious, making you smile back. She reaches out her hand, and you take it. You take in her warmth and she presses her cheek to yours, whispering words you cannot make out. You frown at her, whispering a, "What?" She repeats but you can longer hear anything, you can only see her lips moving. She turns away, and disappears. You feel a tugging on your wrist, and you look down to see April there. Her blonde hair is pinned back with a bow, and you cannot see any blood on her. "Come on," She says, cheerfully. She leads you into a meadow, and she begins to run. The clouds have a purple tint, and a feeling of deja vu washes over you. Have you been in this meadow before? "Hurry up," April yells back to you and you hurry to catch up to her. You run your hands over the flowers that surround you, and looking ahead, you notice that April is fading out. That's what it looks like to you, anyways. Her hair is changing from blonde to a light brown, and you stop, frowning. "April?" You call, your voice echoing. What was going on? You feel something wet on your stomach, and you look down to see blood covering the front of your white dress. Wait, dress? Why were you wearing a dress? You notice a tear in the fabric and you lift it up, revealing a slash in your stomach, and what looks like ripped stitches. "Oh my god.." You whisper, touching the gushing blood. "What's wrong?" April asks, and you look up. Her green eyes are wide, and she looks at your stomach. Her hair hair is blonde again, and the blood is visible in it, on her neck. You can see the bruises on her arms, the bites from snakes and spiders. "Oh my god," You repeat, louder. Your throat felt raw, as if you were screaming and your mouth opened again, but no sound came out. You begin to feel uneasy, and April turns around, and goes back to running. You begin to see what looks like images playing in front of you. Like a T.V screen, Aprils death was played out in front of you again, and again. Than around the third time of watching it, it stopped, a screaming fills your ears. You squint your eyes shut and put your blood covered hands over your ears. You wanted out, and you wanted out now. "Stop it, stop it, stop it!" You yell. Soon, the screaming is replaced with laughing. Cackling, to be more specific. The cloaked woman stands before you, throwing her head back and howling with laughter. "Stop it!" You scream and your eyes flash open. You are staring at your ceiling, and your breathing is uneven. You feel a sting in your left shoulder, than a burning. You throw off your shirt and glanced down. Your eyes go wide, and your breathing hitches even more. You figured it had healed by now, but it was still scabbed there, clear as day. The jagged bite marks, and the red skin remaining around it. Back when before you killed Janise, she bit you. Scar told you it was just a flesh wound, it would go away on its own. But, 14 months have passed and here it is. There was a knock at your door, and you could hear Phoenix's voice from the other side. "Hey, are you awake?" Your heart begins pounding and you throw on your shirt quickly, ignoring the pain in your bones when you lifted your arm. "Y-yeah, I'm up." You say, standing up. "Okay, because Alex says you wanted to go to the store today?" "Yeah, I do. Uh, just give me ten minutes okay? I'll be out soon." "Oo-kay," She says expanding the "O". You throw open your dresser drawers and pick out a pair of loose fitting jeans and a random shirt and jacket, and change quickly. You hurry downstairs, to the bathroom. You can smell something cooking, and as much as you want to go eat, you had to find something to numb the pain in your shoulder. You put a mind block on your mind, you had to for now until you figure out what this means. You search the bathroom but find nothing that could help. April appears by your side, making you jump. You suddenly remember your dream. "What is going on?" You ask. You feel crazy, insane. The deja vu returns and April stays silent. You stare at her, and you can tell she's trying to figure out what to say. You try to search her mind, but you keep getting forced out. "I've been visiting your dreams for a long time, ________. Do you remember when you had that dream about the meadow last year, and than again tonight? That was me." You shake your head, letting out a sarcastic laugh. "Why? I need answers, April." "I can't tell you why, not yet." You give her a look. "But, I can tell you something about that bite of yours." You frown, how did she know about that? "Janise bit you, right? Last year?" "How do you know about that?" You whisper, making sure nobody heard you. "Do you know what happens when a vampire bites you like that, ________?" She says and you frown. Nobody had said this was a bad thing. You shake your head, not sure if you wanted to hear the answer. "When a non vampire gets bit by the queen, it's said that they uh.." She trailed off, stalling. "Spit it out!" You hiss. "They can uh.. They can 'ingest' some of their powers, ________." You shake your head once again. "No, no. She got all of her powers from the necklace." You say. What did April know about this anyways? "No, ________. How do you think Alex can read minds? It's rare, but not uncommon. Vampire's can have gifts." "Yeah? So what were hers?" You say and April shrugs. "I guess we'll just have to find out.." she says.

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