Which Maximum Ride Character Are You??

Do you love the "Maximum Ride" book series? Have you ever wondered which character you would be? Then this is the quiz for you. In this quiz you will answer questions about your personality.

Then you will find out if you are Max, the leader. Fang, the right hand man. Iggy the lead explosives man. Nudge, the pretty girl. Gazzy, the assistant explosive man. Or are you Angel, the kind but sinister litter girl.

Created by: Tori
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What would you do for your fam?
  3. Do you mind being out in the wood/wild?
  4. What would you prefer to were?
  5. How would you rate your senses? { Things like knowing if you are being followed without looking}
  6. Do you look out for the people you care about??
  7. Are willing to do whatever is needed to save or protect you family?
  8. What would you prefer?
  9. What would you do when you are bord?
  10. Who is your favorite character?{ Has nothing to do with who you are, just need to fill up questions}

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Quiz topic: Which Maximum Ride Character am I??
