Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions) | Comments

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  • 77% Ravenclaw and 60% Slytherin! ive been a slytherin for 3 years (i take the test yearly) and now im Ravenclaw... when i took the potter more test last week and it said that, i was so shocked that i took it almost 5 times, but i got Ravenclaw every time! once i saw this, i decided to take it to see if i really am ravenclaw, and i am.... my friend was on face time when i took it and she said that ive changed a lot, especially since i cut out a toxic friend last year, so i guess it makes sense that im in a different house now? i can see how i would be ravenclaw though and i feel like i always have been but my ex friend influenced me in a way? anyway, what do you guys think?? :) also, i need some new friends so feel free to add my snap at @ tanyadavid1211 !! just make sure to text me saying you got my snap from here so i know to add you back!

  • My results are that I am actually tied with 62% Ravenclaw and 62% Griffindor, and then I am 60% Slitherin and 56% Hufflepuff. I've been classified as a Hufflepuff for so long and I think I used to resonate with that house, but lately I've definitely felt more in line with Ravenclaw.

  • I got 83 in hufflepuff (had always grotten that house No matter the quiz) and 15 in slytherin as the absolut lowest. The funny part here is that me and My two brothers had been sortet in different houses. My younger brother in griffendoor and My older brother in slytherin. Guess siblings doesnt always is placed in the Sam houses


    Hi guys, I recently met jk- and i can tell you she recently posted on this chat room, under the alias of jk rowling real! Anyway, she told me the name of her next secret harry potter book: The Purging Of Slytherins (ft. A$ap Rocky)

    I cant wait, love revanclors hate slathersin

    • No way that's real

      Z G
    • It might be possible :p

      A Prawn
    • *snorts loudly whilst reading this post

  • Hello, in case anyone didn't know, this is EmilyTheElephant, just on a different account. Note to HUFFLEPUFTER: I know she/he isn't stewpid, but they are certainly stupid. And probably four, since they can't spell a single thing. I mean, there is people in my house that do wrong things, (The Marauders for example) yet most people don't hate them!! But if you want to stick to your close-minded ways, then be my guest.

    • When you said that he could not spell even though you spelt stupid like stewpid

    • He/she*

  • ok but like nope, so i was like Sarah, you can't seriously be a hufflepuff and she was like nah i am so like we aren't friends anymore because i am a Slytherin and shes an ignorant sponge, harry is daddy but like she thinks sederick diggery is daddy. UGH people these days am i right? anyway spread positivity and all that love you all bye!

  • There's a question missing. The question on which wizard pet you'd like to have. Other than that. Other than that, Pottermore put me into Slytherin...and I don't identify with that at all. There wasn't a single character in the book or movie from Slytherin that I liked or identified with. I like well-lit areas and I don't like snakes. I can't stand bullies so at least this sorted me into Ravenclaw,which I believe I should be in. Ravenclaw 76%; Slytherin 68%; Gryffindor & Hufflepuff 50%.

    • O wow you dont like the dark or snakes of course you cant be a slytherin its just unacceptable?! Obviously there is no one in Slytherin House who doesnt love snakes. And bullies?! Why thanks for the compliment but us slytherins simply say the truth. Just because in the story the protagonist has slytherin rivals doesnt mean were all trying to constantly get potters attention to relieve some of that sexual tension. So would you kindly shut your judgemental, bias mouth and give your superior house your respect or be prepared to have it forced upon your heart of gold. Thank you for choosing not to identify with slytherin though, because we dont accept shallow pricks like yourself

  • Your Result: HUFFLEPUFF! 86%

    Congratulations! You have been sorted into Hufflepuff, the house of loyalty, hard working, acceptance, and fairness. You are amongst other Hufflepuffs such as: Tonks and Cedric Diggory

    80% RAVENCLAW!
    50% GRYFFINDOR! 24%
    This is creepily accurate

  • Estoy confuso porque en wizardin world soy slytherin y aqui gryffindor aunque cuando lo hice all estaba en ingles y no entendi ni papa

    Tu resultado: ¡GRYFFINDOR!

    ¡Felicidades! Has sido clasificado en Gryffindor, la casa de la valenta y la caballerosidad. Ests entre otros Gryffindors como: Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron Wesley y Neville Longbottom.

    ¡52% SLYTHERIN!

  • Congratulations! You have been sorted into Slytherin, the house of ambition, determination, and cunning. You are amongst other Slytherins such as Snape, Draco, and MERLIN. Yes, I'm in Slytherin! Wait, Merlin was in Slytherin?

  • 81% Hufflepuff, 53% Ravenclaw(Which is what the shorter test sorted me into), 38% Slytherin, 34% Gryffindor. This fits so much better than the other test always kind of knew I didn't quite fit in Ravenclaw so it's nice to know I really am a Hufflepuff like I thought

  • I took the regular Pottermore quiz like a month or so ago and got ravenclaw, and now I took the in depth one and got Slytherin. I knew that the second closest house to what I was is Slytherin, but I didn't think I was fully Slytherin. Wow. Hell yeah

  • Eu sempre soube q eu era de Grifinria l no fundo,mesmo que alguns testes da Internet tenham dito q eu era Lufa-Lufa;e por um tempo eu confesso q tive dvidas,mas esse teste confirmou oq eu mais queria!

    Eu tenho a maioria/todas as caractersticas de Grifinria,amo o emblema,as cores e a histria,combina totalmente comigo!Espero que vocs tambm tenham sido completamente honestos nas respostas e tenham ficado felizes com o resultado;e mesmo se vc tiver sido e no foi a casa q voc queria,tudo bem,ningum melhor do q vc mesmo pra saber de qual ,o site apenas pra confirmar cientificamente.

    81% Grifinria
    50% Corvinal
    45% Lufa-Lufa
    38% Sonserina
    Orgulho da minha casa<3

  • I thought I wasn't touching Slytherin scared me for a moment. Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions)

    Your Result: SLYTHERIN! 79%

    Congratulations! You have been sorted into Slytherin, the house of ambition, determination, and cunning. You are amongst other Slytherins such as: Snape, Draco, and MERLIN.

    40% RAVENCLAW!

  • ive been thinking if im slytherin and hufflepuff but i would always get hufflepuff on all the quizzes i would take. i was actually shocked when i got griffindor. im not much of a leader but im always the one planning everything when it comes to my friends. i kinda thought i was slytherin because i was the complete opposite of hufflepuff. i get really mad when i dont get things i want which is a bad thing but i really need help!!

  • 81% gryffindor! i mean im not that brave and not a coward either. I f---ING LOVE JUDGING PEOPLE IN MY HEAD and will tell them they did well. im not that reckless but i can be if im in the mood to. and YES i do stupid s--- out of boredom sometimes. sometimes when i making a decision whether to study or sleep ill just probably choose to study for a while and proceeds to do fun things like workout or sports because.... WHY NOT? hmm i cant go to bed to sleep early bcs my mind is awake all the time and im open to do questionable things anytime so i need to be tired at night to go to bed early or else i will be scrolling on my phone out of boredom until 5 am. i do stress about my grades

  • Hize el test ofial dos veces y me salio gryffindor, y cuando me salio ravenclaw, fue raro siempre digo que seria en la ltima casa que estara, amo todas las casas pero me siento ms cmoda con mi casa antigua, gryffindor ya me siento bien con mi familia, antes no me senta bien con mi casa pero ahora me siento de maravillas con gryffindor, soy inteligente y curiosa, pero no me siento ravenclaw,no quiero ofender a ninguna ravenclaw.

    Isabella winden
  • I always thought I would end up in Ravenclaw...Ravenclaw would probably be more accurate than Slytherin, but Im not entirely sure. Im probably a little bit of both, to be honest. Im gonna try taking one thats a few hundred questions long now because Im bored

    [no urls]

    • [no urls] org/tests/bessir4w3_hogwarts.htm
      My shrug is missing a face _

  • Your Result: GRYFFINDOR! 88%

    Congratulations! You have been sorted into Gryffindor, the house of bravery and chivalry. You are amongst other Gryffindors such as: Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron Wesley, and Neville Longbottom.

    Snapes Daughter
  • 84% Ravenclaw, 60% Slytherin, 50% Hufflepuff and 38% Gryffindor

    I got Ravenclaw on my Pottermore quiz and i totally agree.

    I also knew that i had something from slytherin in me and this proves it. I'm relly happy with my results, and i also don't care that i have les than a 50% of Gryffindor because everyone wnats to be there because Harry is a Gryffindor.

  • I went from getting Slytherin for three or four years with Hufflepuff always being the lowest but then it changed to Hufflepuff last year and now it's just like Hufflepuff is the highest with Slytherin being the lowest also Gryffindor used to be the second lowest and now it's the second highest

    Asher Is Lame
  • 64% Slytherin, 64% Gryffindor, 60% Ravenclaw and 52% Hufflepuff. So thats interesting. There were a couple questions I could have gone with two choices from, but ultimately I ended up being both Slytherin and Gryffindor evenly with Ravenclaw very close behind. Maybe its because mentally Im having a war about which house I belong in due to relating to each house in some way or another. Interestingly the first time I was sorted using pottermores smaller test it sorted me into Hufflepuff. Each time I take this full test to see if it changes it switches me back and fourth from being primarily Gryffindor and being primarily Slytherin. This is the first time it put me as exactly even with the two houses.

    • 64% Slytherin, 64% Gryffindor, 60% Ravenclaw and 52% Hufflepuff. So thats interesting. There were a couple questions I could have gone with two choices from, but ultimately I ended up being both Slytherin and Gryffindor evenly with Ravenclaw very close behind. Maybe its because mentally Im having a war about which house I belong in due to relating to each house in some way or another. Interestingly the first time I was sorted using pottermores smaller test it sorted me into Hufflepuff. Each time I take this full test to see if it changes it switches me back and fourth from being primarily Gryffindor and being primarily Slytherin. This is the first time it put me as exactly even with the two houses.

      shut up wasteman u stole my answer

  • 85% Ravenclaw
    35% Hufflepuff
    27% Slytherin
    19% Gryffindor

    Honestly, I expected Ravenclaw and a bit of Slytherin, I agree, I have a bit of Hufflepuff in me but I am nothing like a Gryffindor. I have done many more quizzes and I always got either Ravenclaw or Slytherin which I am totally fine with, I rather be friends with someone in Slytherin than a Gryffindor, I dont know, I just dont really like Gryffindors, there are exceptions cause my friend is a Gryffindor but my two best friends are Slytherin and Hufflepuff, and I mostly can relate and understand my Slytherin friend, a couple of years ago I thought I was a Slytherin and I still think its a big part of me but Im a Ravenclaw by heart

  • We are true friends. We ride together, we die together. Send this to everybody you care about, including me, if you care. See how many times u get this. I want you to know you are an amazing friend, till death and forever. If I don't get this back, I understand. But I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, you must send this to 15 people, including me. If you get at least three back, you are loved. Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it. Tonight, (right at 12:00pm) the person you love will realize they love you. Then, at 1:00pm to 2:00pm, be ready for the shock of your life! If you break this chain, you will have bad luck. With love, send this to the 15

  • 82% Ravenclaw, 71% Gryffindor, 70% Slytherin, and 22% Hufflepuff-- I knew whether I was in Ravenclaw, Slytherin, or Gryffindor. It is nice to finally know why I get such varied results!


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