Political leaning

What is your political leaning? Are you a democrat a republican or a libertarian. What is your political leaning? Are you a democrat a republican or a libertarian.

Are you a republican that wants more government control of personal life. A Democrat that wants more control over economic life. Or are you a libertarian that wants less control over both

Created by: Phantom
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think abortion is ok if the womans life is not in danger
  2. Do you think gay marriage is ok
  3. Do you think weed should be legalized
  4. Would you support reinstituting the draft if it was needed
  5. Do you think the government should censor anything that is said or is said on websites
  6. Do you think the government should be taking your money to give out welfare
  7. Do you think the government spends to much money
  8. Do you think businesses are to highly regulated by the government
  9. Do you think some businesses should get government subsidies
  10. Do you think we are to highly taxed

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