pirate ninja know me quiz

broccoli must die. broccoli must die. broccoli must die. broccoli must die. broccoli must die. broccoli must die. broccoli must die. broccoli must die. broccoli must die. broccoli must die. well actually i like broccoli.

HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW ME? you might think you know me. but you really dont. or do you? lets find out shall we? huh? huh? do ya? do ya? do ya? yeah. ooh. im scared now. what are you gonna do? outsmart me at my own game? haha NO.

Created by: sarah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. color
  2. mamas name
  3. which one am i?
  4. show
  5. movie
  6. my passion
  7. book
  8. band
  9. easy.
  10. little me...
  11. daddys name
  12. food
  13. my best friend

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